"When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold is always alive" - this folk omen is the result of centuries of people's observation of nature. Scientists are trying to figure out how the flowering of bird cherry is interconnected with weather phenomena. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, but many versions are being put forward.

Step 1
Bird cherry is rightly called the queen of spring. People associate many signs and beliefs with its flowering. In different years, bird cherry blossoms at different times. This can be the beginning or the very end of May, occasionally flowering occurs in April and the first days of June, but, as a rule, the appearance of fragrant snow-white clusters on the branches is a harbinger of a cold snap. What is the reason for this?
Step 2
According to one version, bird cherry flowers absorb heat. During the period when the leaves of the trees are actively blooming, they obscure the earth's surface from the effects of solar energy. Because of this, there is a sharp reduction in the absorption of sunlight by the dark surface of the Earth. This period usually coincides with the beginning of the flowering of the bird cherry, which has become part of folk beliefs and omens due to its special attractiveness. The autumn warming, popularly called "Indian summer", scientists associate with the opposite phenomenon. During active leaf fall, the area of heating of the earth's surface by the sun greatly increases.
Step 3
There is an opinion that the cold snap does not occur during the flowering period of the bird cherry, but the plant adjusts to weather phenomena. This is due to the fact that in cold weather, the reproduction of the most dangerous pests for bird cherry flowers is blocked and sharply reduced.
Step 4
Doctor of Geographical Sciences G. Rzheplinsky connects the flowering of bird cherry with periods of high and low moon. According to his version, which is based on twelve-year observations of bird cherry, it blooms immediately after the interval of the high moon. This period is characterized by all kinds of anticyclonic transformations or wonderful sunny weather. After that, the interval of the low moon sets in, and it is always associated with cyclonic weather transformations: the passage of frontal zones, precipitation and cooling.
Step 5
A number of other signs are also associated with the flowering of bird cherry. It is believed that when the bird cherry blossoms, wheat and millet should be sown, as well as potatoes. A long flowering period indicates a high activity of bees during the summer, which leads to good pollination and, as a result, a large crop of cereals. And the abundant flowering of bird cherry is a harbinger of a rainy summer.