St. Petersburg is a city that has been renamed several times throughout its history. Currently, it has the status of a city-region, and is also the administrative center of the Leningrad Region, which it was decided not to rename after him, since changing the name for the whole region entails a lot of bureaucratic procedures.

Step 1
St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great. The exact date of foundation is considered to be May 16 (May 27, old style) 1703. The history of the city is rather turbulent. Throughout its history, it has been renamed three times. The city was renamed for the first time on August 18 (31 according to the old style) 1914, then it became known as Petrograd. Then on January 26, 1924, it was decided to change the name again, the city received the name Leningrad. It had this name until September 6, 1991, when it was decided to rename it again: this time it was returned to its original name. Nowadays St. Petersburg is called the same as in the days of its foundation.
Step 2
Despite the renaming, the people still call the city very differently. Some people still call it Leningrad, because they are used to it: for many people born long before the 1991 love spell, St. Petersburg is called Leningrad, and this cannot be changed by any papers or decisions. Others call the city in abbreviated form Petersburg or informally Peter.
Step 3
St. Petersburg is the administrative center of the North-West region. It is located on the banks of the Neva River, which flows into the Gulf of Finland. The city is home to important administrative institutions of Russia: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Heraldic Council, as well as the inter-parliamentary assembly of the CIS countries. Since the city has access to the sea, the command of the country's naval military forces is also concentrated here.
Step 4
The northern capital, as Petersburg is often called, has experienced three revolutions, all of which took place on the territory of this city. The first happened in 1905, then in 1917 there were two more revolutions: the February bourgeois-democratic and the October socialist.
Step 5
The fate of St. Petersburg in the 20th century was extremely difficult. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 did not spare him. For almost 900 days, he has been in a blockade, during which the delivery of food was extremely difficult. About one and a half million people died of hunger. Despite the fact that St. Petersburg was seriously damaged during the air attacks, the city has now been restored, it is no longer so easy to find traces of the war that ended on its streets. Petersburg is one of the hero cities of Russia. Around it there are three more cities that have earned heroic military glory: Kronstadt, Lomonosov and Kolpino.
Step 6
During the war, the population of the city was greatly reduced, but now St. Petersburg is one of the few cities in Russia, the number of whose inhabitants is only increasing. True, this happens, for the most part, at the expense of visitors. As of 2014, the population of St. Petersburg is approximately 5 million 131 thousand inhabitants.