What To Do With The Belongings Of The Deceased

What To Do With The Belongings Of The Deceased
What To Do With The Belongings Of The Deceased

Many people who have had to go through the loss of a loved one are concerned about what to do with the personal belongings of the deceased. Someone tries to solve this problem immediately after the funeral, and someone for a long time cannot part with any thing belonging to the deceased. But sooner or later the moment comes when you need to decide something and make a choice.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased
What to do with the belongings of the deceased

According to legend, the things of each person are saturated with his energy, therefore some religions say that it is necessary to get rid of the things of a deceased person, while others prescribe them to be kept as a memory. According to some sources, in the Orthodox tradition, in order to complete the earthly affairs of the deceased, his things must be distributed to the poor. people within 40 days after death, asking them to remember the deceased and pray for his soul. First, it will help the soul of the deceased to determine its further participation in the next world. And secondly, you will help people who really need clothes. According to other sources, the things of the deceased should not be touched until 40 days after death. Only after this time can they be distributed. The Bible does not clearly indicate these dates, so neither option is a violation of biblical laws. You should not throw away the belongings of the deceased, because they can benefit people who need them. If you have no one to give the belongings of the deceased, you can leave them at home or take them to a church or charity center, where they will certainly be accepted. If a person died after suffering a serious illness, he things (clothes, bedding, dishes, etc.), many advise to burn. But, to do this is quite problematic, you will not take them to the forest for this procedure. Although you can just take them to the trash heap, from which special services will definitely take them away and burn them. But, if you do not want to do this, do not do it, because this is your personal decision. As you can see, there is no clear answer to this question. There are only a variety of opinions and recommendations. Therefore, act as your heart tells you. You can keep things for yourself or give them to someone who needs them more than you, or throw them away altogether. After all, things are just things, and the memory of a dear person is not at all in them.
