Each banknote contains an image of a landmark, and as a rule, this is a city and its symbols. Features and monuments of cities from Moscow to Khabarovsk have found their place on Russian banknotes.

Step 1
Ten rubles. Krasnoyarsk city.
The smallest denomination of ten rubles depicts a railway bridge across the Yenisei River, included in the UNESCO book "The Best Bridges of the World". Also on this side of the bill is the chapel of St. Paraskeva Friday, the great healer. The reverse side shows the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, which is the second most powerful among the Russian hydroelectric power plants.

Step 2
Fifty rubles. The city of St. Petersburg.
The hero city of St. Petersburg with its famous buildings is depicted on the fifty-ruble banknote. The symbol of the Neva is a female figure sitting on a throne at the base of the Rostral Column, and in the background is the Peter and Paul Fortress, which is a historical landmark of the city. These images are located on the front of the bill. On the reverse side - the building of the former stock exchange at the embankment.

Step 3
One hundred rubles. Moscow city.
The one hundred-ruble bill, which is widespread in everyday life, contains the image of the capital - the city of Moscow. Apollo with a chariot is a sculpture from the pediment of the Bolshoi Theater, as well as the building of this cultural institution itself is located on both sides of the bill.

Step 4
Five hundred rubles. The city of Arkhangelsk.
The power and might of the city of Arkhangelsk is conveyed by the monument to Peter I and the seaport with a sailing ship. These images are located on the front side of the five hundred ruble note. On the reverse side, the Solovetsky Monastery is visible - the monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, erected back in 1420-1430 and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Step 5
One thousand rubles. The city of Yaroslavl.
A large green banknote depicts a monument to the founder of the city - Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who holds the temple in his hands. The people call this monument "Uncle with a cake." It is located in the city center. The monument was erected in honor of the founding of the city of Yaroslavl by the prince. In the background is the rocket-shaped chapel of Our Lady of Kazan. On the reverse side of the bill there is another historical monument - the Church of St. John the Baptist (Baptist), which is of high federal and cultural importance.

Step 6
Five thousand rubles. Khabarovsk.
A beautiful bright denomination of five thousand rubles depicts a majestic monument to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, Count Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky. Thanks to this great personality, Cupid, ceded to China in 1989, was returned. The reverse side of the bill also depicts a powerful structure - the Khabarovsk bridge, or "Amur miracle", the length of which is 2,700 meters.