What Does A Roman Nose Look Like?

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What Does A Roman Nose Look Like?
What Does A Roman Nose Look Like?

Video: What Does A Roman Nose Look Like?

Video: What Does A Roman Nose Look Like?
Video: What The Shape Of Your Nose Tells About Your Personality 2025, January

The Roman nose is a somewhat elongated nose with a hump and a curved tip. The owners of such a nose are very courageous and have an analytical mindset.

Roman noses are inherent in the European race
Roman noses are inherent in the European race


Step 1

The nose is one of the most prominent parts of our body. 90% of people consider the nose to be the main part of the face. Indeed, this is the part of the body that performs many very important functions, such as: smelling, breathing, protecting, gathering information. The nose is fully formed only by the age of 35 - 40. The shape of the nose is individual for everyone and depends both on the person's lifestyle and on heredity. Placement of the nose in the middle third of the face is considered ideal, provided that it is equal to the distance from the nostrils to the chin.

Step 2

There is an opinion that the size and shape of the nose can be judged on the character of a person and his intellectual abilities. The wider a person's nose, the more solid and balanced his character. The following types of an ideal nose can be distinguished:

- beautiful straight nose;

- straight with a rounded tip and shaped wings;

- a nose with a high and flat bridge of the nose in the Japanese.

Step 3

If we talk about the anatomical structure of the nose, then the tissues that form it should be divided into bone, cartilaginous and soft. The complementary constituent parts of the nose are: the tip of the nose, wings, nostrils, back and bridge of the nose. Also very important is the fact that often by the shape of the nose one can judge the race to which its owner belongs. There are such forms of the nose:

- "Roman" - a small nose with a hump;

- "Caucasian" - a large nose with a hump;

- "Negroid" - a wide fleshy nose with large nostrils;

- "Greek" - a thin straight nose with small wings;

- "Mongoloid" - a small nose, flattened in the bridge of the nose.

Step 4

To differentiate noses by race, the length and width of the nose is not as important as the percentage of length to width. The percentage, which is determined by measuring from a certain point, is called the nasal index and varies within the following ranges:

- leptoria - up to 69, 9 (narrow high nose);

- mesorinia - 70 - 84, 9 (medium);

- hamerinia - 85 - 99 (low wide);

- hyperhamerinia - 100 and above.

Step 5

It should be noted that the hump is characteristic of people with a thin nose. Also, a hump of the nose can be either a completely natural formation or the result of nose injuries. If such a mass interferes with respiratory function or facial aesthetics, it can be removed. For this, the following methods are often used:

- rhinoplasty (surgical method);

- contour plastic of the nose (using injections without open surgery).

Step 6

Among celebrities, owners of a Roman nose are not uncommon, for example: Russian TV presenter Yana Churikova, American actress and singer Ashlee Simpson, Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage. And this is not surprising, because it is with this shape of the nose that a huge list of advantages is associated: energy, strength, ambition. Usually, the owners of the Roman nose have an analytical mindset, prudence and stress resistance.