A bath without a broom, according to the apt expression of the people, is like porridge without butter. There seems to be possible, but only tasteless. Birch is the most common material for making bath oil: fragrant and healing brooms. Only now the art of handling this wonderful medicine for all ailments has been forgotten. Meanwhile, you need to know how to use a birch broom.

Step 1
Be sure to steam the dry broom before use. This must be done in order to restore elasticity to the sheet, and flexibility to the branches. There are several methods for steaming a dry birch broom.
Method one
Prepare two basins, one of which should be warm, the other cold water. Before the procedure, rinse the broom with running warm water, and then lower it in a basin of cold water for 2-3 minutes.
After a couple of minutes, remove and transfer the bunch of branches to a basin of warm water. Hold the broom in warm water for about five minutes, and then top up the basin where it is located with boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and wait another 7-10 minutes.
The branches of the broom should become firm, and the leaves should be elastic, but not flimsy. You will get even more pleasure from the guy if, before using the steamed broom, hold it for 10 seconds over the hot stove stones.
Step 2
Method two
Soak the broom in cold water 5-10 hours before the bath. Before you go to steam, remove the broom from the water, wrap it in a damp cloth and leave it on the bottom shelf of the steam room for 10 minutes.
Step 3
Method three
A day before visiting the steam room, wrap a dry broom in a wet cloth and leave, allowing the branches and leaves to absorb as much moisture as necessary. Before the steam room, remove the broom from the fabric and scald with boiling water. Everything, you can go to the steam room.
Step 4
Method four
Place the broom in a container of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Going to the steam room, take the bundle out of the water and take it with you. In the steam room, dry it for a few seconds over the stones of the stove, and then use it as directed.