Why Does A Person Need Food

Why Does A Person Need Food
Why Does A Person Need Food

Almost constantly, from the first to the last day of his life, a person eats. The process of eating and digesting food allows him to continue his physical existence. From food, he receives those necessary nutrients, as well as vitamins and mineral supplements, without which his internal organs cannot function.

Why does a person need food
Why does a person need food

The process of continuous need for nutrition is due to the fact that metabolic processes are constantly going on in the human body. Some of the cells in the body are formed, some are destroyed. For new cells, building material is constantly needed, which the body receives along with food. As an example, you can cite red blood cells - erythrocytes. Every second in the process of metabolism, 7 million red blood cells die off and the same number of blood cells should appear.

If we consider food as a chemical, then it is composed of organic and inorganic compounds. Their components, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, are hydrolyzed and digested. Some of them are absorbed into the body, and some are excreted from it. The restoration and preservation of the cells of the human body, the receipt of energy so that a person can live and move, is possible only on condition of nutrition and receiving everything necessary for the vital activity of the body through the blood, into which the necessary substances enter.

In addition, there are essential components necessary for the functioning of the human body, which it can only get through food. These are some amino acids and fatty acids, adaptogens, vitamins and mineral supplements. As part of organic compounds, they perform certain functions that other elements cannot perform in their place.

But a person does not care what is. For him, the correct selection of nutrition is important so that he receives the amount of food necessary and sufficient for the normal functioning of the body. Overeating leads to obesity and premature aging. At the same time, the body of each person, which is a unique combination of cells and atoms that form the physical shell, needs a unique diet. It is important that the food suits your specific needs.

The quality of food also determines the quality of human life. Therefore, satisfying your physiological needs for food, you should adhere to the rule "less is more." This will be the key to your health and longevity.
