What Are The Types Of Bell Ringing

What Are The Types Of Bell Ringing
What Are The Types Of Bell Ringing

Believers loved the bell ringing very much, and therefore the Orthodox people combined all the festive and sad events with it. It was after this that the bell ringing began not only to indicate the time of the service, but also to express the joy, triumph and sadness of the people. Hence, different types of ringing arose, each of which has its own name and special meaning.

What are the types of bell ringing
What are the types of bell ringing

According to the established church traditions, the bell ringing is divided into two large groups: the ringing itself and the evangelism.

The first type: the actual ringing

Actually ringing church ministers call bell ringing, which is produced with the help of all or several church bells. Such ringing is divided into several varieties:

- pealing;

- two-ringing;

- chime;

- bust.

The ringing is performed by striking all the bells. Such strikes are carried out three times in three steps. First, all the bells are struck, then they take a short break, then another blow and a break, then another blow and a break. Thus, the bell ringing occurs three times.

When busting, after hitting a large bell, all the bells are struck at once and this is repeated many times.

Two-ringing - such a ringing is called the blows that are made twice on all the bells. At the same time, the bells are rung in two steps. Chime is the alternating sound of the bell, which starts with the largest and ends with the smallest.

Busting is a slow ringing in turn in each bell 1 time, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest.

The second type of bell ringing: evangelism

Church ministers call the bells and whistles measured beats in a huge bell. This type of impact is very well heard at a great distance. That is why church workers decided to use this bell ringing to summon the people to worship.

Such a ringing was called the gospel because with its help the good, good news of the beginning of the divine service is proclaimed.

The evangelism is done in a certain way. First, the clergyman makes three slow and drawn-out blows, while waiting for the sound to fade, and then makes more measured blows. In this case, the impacts may differ, depending on the size of the bell itself. If it is relatively large, they are produced over the entire diameter of the bell. If it is not very large, the tongue of the bell is simply pulled with a rope to its edge and, with the help of the set board, blows are made by pressing the foot.

In turn, the gospel is divided into several types:

- ordinary (frequent) - such a ringing is produced with the help of the largest bell;

- lean (rare) - such ringing is performed with the help of a small bell during Great Lent.

If the temple has several large bells, and this is possible with large monasteries, cathedrals, laurels, then large bells, depending on their purpose, are divided into several types:

- Sunday;

- festive;

- everyday (daily);

- polyoleonic;

- small.
