Matrona of Moscow is the most famous Saint of the 20th century. She possessed the gift of foresight, healed diseases. Very revered in Russia. They ask the Saint for health, good luck in business and endeavors, and solutions to life's problems.

Matrona of Moscow is the most famous Saint of the 20th century. She had the gift of foresight, healed from diseases. She predicted the October Revolution and the Great Patriotic War. In modern Russia, it is very revered.
Serve God and people
God did not give Matrona eyes. She was blind from birth. But he endowed him with spiritual vision. She saw the thoughts of people, sins, diseases. She treated them with prayers, consoled them, saved them from death.
At seventeen, Matrona lost her legs. She could no longer walk. But people themselves went to her for help, the blessed one did not refuse anyone.
Until the end of her life, she humbly carried her cross. Never complained, never grumbled. Gained nothing, wandered in strange corners. Served God and people.
After passing away
Doesn't leave them even after death. Thousands of pilgrims come to the Intercession Monastery. The shrine with the relics of St. Matrona is located in the left aisle of the Intercession Church.
They come to pray at her grave. The body of the eldress is buried at the Danilovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Take a small handful of sand, which is considered miraculous.
They pray for the health of their own and their families. They ask for help in life's affairs. Seek advice and guidance.
Prayer to Saint Matrona
There is a prayer to the blessed Eldress Matrona. Here is its short version: "Holy righteous old lady Matrono, pray to God for us!"
If you do not know or have forgotten the prayer, turn to the Holy Soul and Heart. She will hear a sincere request always and everywhere.
In many churches there is an image of the Blessed Eldress. But in order to pray to her, you do not have to go to the temple or go to the monastery. You can also do this at home. The main thing is to be a believer. The blessed one always said that it is not she who helps, but God.
You can write a note to Matrona of Moscow and put it at the relics. Or send a letter to the Intercession Monastery by mail. The nuns will certainly lay it down for you.
The instructions of the holy eldress
The instructions of Mother Matrona have been preserved. In them she taught not to be afraid of anything, not to condemn other people. Think about your soul. To be tolerant, to help the old and the weak.
Be sure to monitor your health and be treated. She called the body the home for the soul. And the house, Matrona thought, needed to be repaired. You can not turn to grandmothers, healers and sorcerers. They can damage the soul.
The eldress also has instructions about prayer. Matrona taught to trust in the Lord. Communion and pray more often. Protect yourself with the cross and holy water. And in front of the icon, light the icon lamp.