How To Buy With Coupons

How To Buy With Coupons
How To Buy With Coupons

There are many ways to attract the attention of buyers today. One of the most popular areas is the sale of goods and services by coupons. There are a lot of sites with this kind of offers on the network. But despite this, many still cannot understand the coupon system and do not fully understand the intricacies of buying with the help of such discount offers.

How to buy with coupons
How to buy with coupons

The coupon sales system only seems like a new and fresh idea. In fact, it was already widespread in the Soviet Union. True, this scheme looked somewhat different. Experts even identify 2 options for selling using coupons. In the first, you had to cut out a coupon from a newspaper or magazine, fill it out, take it to the post office and send it to the seller. After that, a test sample of the goods was sent to the consumer.

In the second case, it was enough just to come to the store and take a free trial sample of the proposed product there.

Today, discount coupons look slightly different and are distributed under different conditions. But the essence of such sales remains unchanged - people want to buy goods cheaper. And they get this opportunity.

Experts call the modern coupon sales scheme mutated. So, for example, now they offer 2 types of coupons, which are divided according to the following criteria:

- simple - those that cost from 10 to 200 rubles;

- certificates - the price starts from 5,000 rubles.

Simple coupons are incredibly popular because for its face value of 100-150 rubles. they allow you to save up to 50% on services. Coupons for food, drinks and various entertainment are especially in demand. It is not difficult to purchase a service using such a coupon. You just need to pay for the coupon itself on the intermediary website, receive it by e-mail, in the form of SMS, or print it out. Then you just have to bring it to a restaurant, coffee shop, etc. give it to the waiter or the seller and that's it. At the end, you will be billed with a discount. It should be borne in mind that such coupons are designed for 1 person, i.e. if you are going to go to relax with a company, you will need to take them for everyone.

There is another kind of simple coupons that require a fixed surcharge. For example, a discount on tire fitting. The cost of the coupon in this case is 150-200 rubles. and it is indicated that it is necessary to pay a certain amount within 1000 for cars of various classes and levels. As a result, even with a surcharge, tire fitting is cheaper.

However, coupon services derive most of their profits from certificates. The certificate has a certain denomination, which already includes a discount. That is, a person, purchasing a coupon-certificate, in most cases has already paid for the service and it is provided to him free of charge. For the consumer, such a scheme has its own reason and benefit, since the cost of such a certificate is usually 40 percent less than the actual cost of the service. Certificates usually offer a discount on various expensive cosmetic procedures, which will cost almost twice as much without a certificate. Also, certificates apply to vacation offers - for example, a week tour to the Czech Republic.
