How To Decorate The Aquarium Beautifully?

How To Decorate The Aquarium Beautifully?
How To Decorate The Aquarium Beautifully?

When buying an aquarium, many people have a question about which plants to choose and how to correctly and beautifully arrange its internal space.

How to decorate the aquarium beautifully?
How to decorate the aquarium beautifully?

When landscaping an aquarium, do not line up the plants. The tallest ones are best planted closer to the back wall, and squat plants should be planted in the foreground. Among the tall plants, you can place several medium ones - this will help create a visual effect of depth.

When decorating your aquarium, it is best to use a variety of colors and shades. The red color of ludwigia leaves can be diluted with deep green or purple algae.

When setting up your aquarium, consider using a central object. The Amazon plant is usually taller and larger than other types of algae. It can be used as the main subject, surrounded by additional, smaller plants. To make the interior of the aquarium look more natural, the center object should be slightly offset from the actual center of the aquarium.

Experts recommend using artificial lighting in the aquarium, so its interior will look more natural.

To keep the inhabitants of the aquarium comfortable, you should maintain a certain temperature inside the tank and change the water regularly. It is also very important to maintain the correct acidity level.
