What To Do If You Bite Your Nails

What To Do If You Bite Your Nails
What To Do If You Bite Your Nails

The ugly nail-biting habit is common for both children and adults. Not only do the nails look unsightly, but also because of this, health problems can arise. The skin around the nails becomes vulnerable to various skin infections, and the nail may become deformed. But don't be discouraged - there are many ways to break this habit.

What to do if you bite your nails
What to do if you bite your nails

Different people bite their nails for different reasons. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is nervous tension. In the other case, it is concentrated thinking about a decision. Suppressed aggression, moreover directed at oneself, is also the cause of the tearing of nails. Some people bite their nails simply because they get in the way. Since the reasons for this habit are psychological in nature, it is better to consult a qualified psychologist. But you can also get rid of this habit on your own, for which there are several ways.

As soon as there is another impulse to bite your nails, distract yourself and do something useful. If biting your nails helps you focus, try replacing them with something else. Chew on a toothpick, fruit, or vegetable. Start caring for your nails, do a manicure - it will be a pity to spoil beautiful, even nails. You can also make extensions - acrylic or gel nails are difficult to bite off. You can smear your nails with something bitter (iodine, mustard). You can dip it in saline solution or scrub it with laundry soap.

Try to be less nervous, treat life philosophically. Walking in the fresh air, soothing teas, relaxing baths will help you with this. Exercise will also help you distract yourself from harmful activities. Buy a special bitter polish and cover your nails with it all the time. Carry a nail file with you so that a broken nail can be treated immediately without biting. If you have enough willpower, put the case under control. Watch your actions, come up with a system of punishments for each gnawed nail. Ask your friends to slap your hands when you bite your nails. It is also necessary to give up this habit for medical reasons. Human nails are not sterile, so you can get some kind of infection.