Everyday objects disappear from life, and with them the actions associated with them. But the Russian language does not allow you to completely forget about antiquity, leaving the names of disappeared objects in established expressions.

"Don't be on the rampage" - they say to a person who goes beyond reason in search of justice. Usually, this advice hides a warning about the futility of efforts, a warning about imminent danger. In other words, it will be worse. Well, what is this "rampage", from contact with which it will be worse and no better?
What is said about rampage in various dictionaries
In Dahl's dictionary, the following meaning of this word is given: rampage, birth, hoop, pointed pole, stake; sharp stick, butt, horn, but no longer in a vertical or standing position, but in an inclined or level position, for example, a spit.
Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: rampage - a special long stick with which the plowman drove the oxen. At one end, it had a metal tip, and at the other, a small blade for removing soil from the share. This device forced draft animals to obey and at the same time could serve as a weapon. That is, like many peoples of the world, agricultural implements of labor, if necessary, successfully performed the functions of a military weapon.
But then a reasonable question may arise? And why exactly a rampage? Why not, say, a pitchfork? Is the pitchfork an even more popular type of universal weapon (weapon)?
Brockhaus and Efron mention a tip that is not mentioned elsewhere. Actually, this tip explains why it is not necessary to climb on the rampage.
Rojon as an effective hunting weapon
The fact that in the old days, in the absence of firearms, they went to the bear with a spear is known. But in addition to the spear, the aforementioned rampage was also taken. The whole secret lies in the design of the tip. It is a bayonet sharpened on both sides and a crossbar.
In the process of the fight, the bear pounces on the tip, and clings to the crossbar with its paws, pulling it, thus literally stringing itself onto the blade.
Of course, it is cruel, but the bear, he is unreasonable, and so he climbs on the rampage.
They also hunted the wolf with the horn, arranging a trap for it from the stakes. As a multifunctional item, the rampage was used to corral cattle, and meeting a stake also did not bode well for an angry bull.
But the use of a goose in a bear hunt seems to be more illustrative for clarifying the origins of the phraseological unit. That is, not just running into troubles, but running into deliberately existing troubles, and by doing your own actions harming yourself.