Where Did The Expression "the Bear Stepped On The Ear"

Where Did The Expression "the Bear Stepped On The Ear"
Where Did The Expression "the Bear Stepped On The Ear"

Pronouncing certain well-established phrases, people sometimes do not even think about what they really mean literally and how they came to the meaning in which they are used today.

Where did the expression come from
Where did the expression come from

It's no secret that not all people are lucky to please others with their singing, and not just themselves. Some people just want to hang themselves from singing. Familiar emotions? But this, of course, is not a vice. Each, as you know, his own. There are few people among people - a Swiss, and a reaper, and a gamer on a pipe. All professions are needed, all professions are important, and everyone will definitely find their purpose in this diverse and exciting world. Nevertheless, the lack of ear for music in an adult, moreover, who sings very willingly in public, most often causes indignation in people hearing the notes.

And the Shvets, and the reaper, and the igrets on the tune is a Russian proverb that denotes a versatile person. They are also called jack of all trades.

A bear stepped on your ear, or what ?

The world is pretty cruel. And this becomes especially noticeable when people are faced with differences between themselves. A person who greatly annoys those around him with his singing or playing a musical instrument past the notes will certainly ask if a bear has stepped on his ear? So a careless singer will be made aware that he cannot sing, which means that he has no ear for music.

By the way, a person deprived of musical hearing not only sings or plays badly, but also does not hear, does not notice the falsity in singing or playing music of other people. By the way, you can develop an absolute ear for music. Only a few are born with it. Among musicians, one of tens of thousands of professionals has an absolute ear for music. To develop your ear for music, you need to regularly practice music (solfeggio).

Solfeggio is an academic discipline, the purpose of which is to develop students' ear for music and memory through special vocal exercises.

The occurrence of a phrase

The phrase "The bear stepped on the ear" is winged. It owes its existence to the very image of such an animal as a bear. It is a large and clumsy creature moving through the forest with a terrible roar. Mentioning such a character in a phraseological phrase, the author refers to his indescribable physical strength and strength, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. And, if the "clubfoot" accidentally steps on a person's ear, then you will no longer have to dream of any ear for music.

There is an assumption that the history of the occurrence of the phrase "The bear stepped on the ear" has to do with hunting for bears. Brave and fearless hunters risked their lives and often received bruises and injuries in fights with a huge angry bear.

A catchphrase is a phraseological unit that has become widespread. Its sources can be myths, fairy tales, fiction and even statements of famous people.

Alternative phraseological phrase

As an analogous phraseological turnover, based on the image of a massive animal, one can cite such as "An elephant stepped on the ear." Its meaning is no different from the previous one.
