Where To Take Glass Containers

Where To Take Glass Containers
Where To Take Glass Containers

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Over time, a large number of jars, bottles and other types of glass accumulate in the house. In this regard, sooner or later there is a need to hand over glass containers. Moreover, this raw material is subject to re-processing.

Where to take glass containers
Where to take glass containers


Step 1

More than a million tons of glass waste is generated in Russia every year. This material has the property of not decomposing for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, getting to landfills, glass containers do not rot, but simply litter the environment. Therefore, it is advisable to hand over such raw materials to the collection point for glass containers.

Step 2

These organizations put forward several basic requirements for the material being handed over. The integrity of the products, their cleanliness and even the absence of a label are of great importance. When accepting broken glass, carefully look at the absence of elements from other materials. It also becomes necessary to sort the material by composition and color.

Step 3

There are glass collection points that specialize in purchasing food and beverage cans. As a rule, these containers are used directly for household chemicals, medicines, as well as for perfumery and cosmetic products.

Step 4

The cost of glass products accepted from the population is, of course, low. Their value largely depends on various factors that characterize the given product. The color of the glass is of decisive importance. If for glass containers it is not fundamental, then when buying broken glass, the color is especially important, since cullet of the same color is valued more highly. Usually, broken glass is used for the production of containers and souvenirs. And from selected raw materials the foam materials required for construction are made.

Step 5

It should be noted that the collection point for glass containers is necessarily provided with a book of complaints and suggestions. Therefore, in case of dissatisfaction with the services of such an organization, you can always leave a complaint, which will be considered and, as a result, appropriate measures will be taken. Also, a certain audit log is kept, in which all incoming products are entered with an indication of the price and type.
