Why Does The Electric Motor Overheat

Why Does The Electric Motor Overheat
Why Does The Electric Motor Overheat

Electric motors are widely used in production and in everyday life. A new motor that has passed factory tests can work properly for several years. But if the rules of operation are violated, malfunctions sometimes occur. One of them is engine overheating, which may well lead to its complete failure.

Why does the electric motor overheat
Why does the electric motor overheat

Why does an electric motor overheat

Malfunctions in the operation of an electric motor can be caused by a number of reasons. These most often include violation of the rules of transportation, storage and installation, as well as the use of unacceptable operating modes. Sharp shocks, prolonged vibration and shocks lead to a violation of the integrity of the engine elements and may well lead to overheating during operation.

It is even worse if the motor is stored for a long time in the open air, is exposed to low temperatures and high humidity. These unfavorable factors may well cause rust on the outer surface of the rotor and the stator core.

As a result of metal corrosion, the air gap between structural elements is critically reduced, which becomes another reason for engine heating.

One of the most common malfunctions of an electric motor is damage to the insulation of the turns, which in most cases leads to local short circuits. During operation, the unit begins to warm up intensively, the rotor rotates unevenly, and the machine shaft is irreversibly deformed. The winding insulation can be damaged both by careless transportation of the motor and by the ingress of foreign particles into the housing.

Other causes of engine overheating and how to fix them

If, when the engine is turned on, the rotor turns with difficulty or remains stationary at all, and at the same time there is intense heating of the housing, it is quite possible that the bearing is destroyed. With such a malfunction, the rotor and stator touch each other, which leads to complete seizure. Usually, in this case, it is required to send the electric motor for repair to replace the bearing.

Overheating of an electric motor often occurs if it is overloaded, for example, due to overvoltage or undervoltage in the network. A sharp increase in the air temperature in the room, clogging of ventilation ducts can also lead to this effect.

The problem is solved by eliminating the overload and normalizing the temperature regime at the place of engine operation.

With prolonged continuous operation of the engine, a decrease in power can often be observed. The electric car is working at the maximum mode, but it cannot gain the required speed, while simultaneously starting to heat up. Again, the cause is overload, which must be eliminated. In some cases, it is enough to turn off the unit and leave it in this state for a while.