Which Is Better: A Tit In The Hands Or A Pie In The Sky

Which Is Better: A Tit In The Hands Or A Pie In The Sky
Which Is Better: A Tit In The Hands Or A Pie In The Sky

Thanks to the well-known Russian proverb, it is known that a titmouse is better in the hands than a crane unattainable in the sky. But if you take a closer look at the meaning of this folk art, you can find an interesting meaning in it.

Which is better: a tit in the hands or a pie in the sky
Which is better: a tit in the hands or a pie in the sky

A tit in the hands is a symbol of something stable, and most importantly, already existing. Whereas the crane in the sky is, of course, larger in size, more beautiful and more interesting than the little titmouse, but still it is high and seems out of reach. This famous proverb teaches a person to rejoice and be grateful already for what he has, instead of chasing the unknown and unknown in an attempt to find larger prey.

However, in reality, both concepts of life are extremes: on the one hand, it is proposed not to have a big dream, not to try to achieve it, not even to exert strength to do something. Because you already have everything you need for life and happiness in your hands. On the other hand, chasing a crane seems like a constant attempt to find something better. If you chase only the crane all the time, then it is impossible to have time to enjoy the life that already exists and the riches that it gives to a person every day.

Two models of life

This opposition of life principles is well reflected by two models of the world - eastern and western. In the Western model, the emphasis is on the dreams and desires of each person. He must set big goals for himself and strive to achieve them: earn more and more, climb the career ladder, develop his business, and make more expensive purchases. A person brought up on this model of life will always and everything will not be enough, no prosperity will please him, he is used to the fact that one must constantly strive for the best.

The eastern model of life is built on other laws. What is important in it is what a person has at the moment. Such a model teaches you to be humble, to give up your selfish desires for profit and your own dreams for a better life. After all, you can enjoy what you already have. The proverb about "paradise in a hut" is built precisely on these principles of renunciation of something greater. However, life shows that not everyone can live according to this principle for a long time. Both his comfort and his dreams are important to a person.

Truth in the middle

Therefore, as in any situation where it is proposed to choose only one of the extreme options, you do not need to choose either the first or the second. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and to strike at the extremes means to deny this truth. It is important to rejoice at what a person has at the moment, to be able to enjoy it. But you cannot forget about your own desires for something bigger and better, because then this will lead to stagnation, growing discontent with yourself and others. You need to learn how to harmoniously combine constant development with satisfaction from what you have at the moment.