Formation of public opinion is used quite often today. Demand for a specific product, political views, attitudes towards certain events are examples of this phenomenon. In the modern world, it is quite easy to influence people's thinking with the help of the Internet and television.

Public opinion is the position of a large number of people. Usually, the solidarity of more than 50% of the population is a public position. But often it is necessary to reach not so significant groups, for example, potential buyers. Working with specific groups is always more effective as needs can be easily identified. Only the necessary things, affecting for a living, can become the opinion of a large number of people.
Stages of public opinion formation
It all starts with an idea. A group of people comes up with something that needs to be made popular with customers. It could be a service, a product, or just a thought. It is formed in a narrow circle, and then it reaches people. It is important not only to present it as an advertisement, it is important to generate interest. It is necessary for people to start looking for information, trying to find out more. A properly created idea will immediately give a huge advantage, so it is better to choose thoughts and objects that change life, make it better.
At this time, the necessary information base is being created in the media. These can be articles about a product, there can be discussions on television, as well as information at points of sale or other popular media. To make a person interested, you can create disputes about these things, present 2-3 different attitudes, so that the person enthusiastically follows the debate. The more exciting the polemic is, the more likely it is that people will remember and tell about the formed opinion to their acquaintances.
Events resonate more than words. That is why it is imperative to reinforce what is written with images. If it's a product, you need a visual ad. If this is an opinion, then it is important that someone influential expresses it out loud. Attracting celebrities, their testimonials work great at this stage.
You need to work with public opinion constantly. One-time information is not enough. It will cause a surge, but without maintenance it will not be significant. You need to constantly throw up new information, start up new disputes.
You can form a positive opinion, but you can form a negative one. With the second option, you can highlight something positive against the background of unpleasant information. But this effect is more subtle and requires the elaboration of many factors. And the risks in conducting are more significant.