How To Find Out Where A Person Works

How To Find Out Where A Person Works
How To Find Out Where A Person Works

Nowadays, it is often necessary to find out certain details about a person, for example, to contact him. This information may include his current place of work.

How to find out where a person works
How to find out where a person works

Formal ways to find out where you work

The disclosure of information about employees to unauthorized persons is regulated by the internal charter of the organizations. In this regard, contacting various government agencies (FMS, Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service and others) will be ineffective: you will most likely be refused, citing a ban on the disclosure of personal data. You can find out the place of work of a person if you have connections in these organizations, for example, your relatives or friends work there. However, by transferring personal information, these people risk their official position, therefore, this method of obtaining information should not be abused.

If you know of several places, in one of which most likely a person works, try calling them all. Ask if the person you want works for the organization. It is important to name a good reason for receiving confidential information. For example, say that this person is wanted as a witness of this or that incident, or he lost some thing, and you would like to transfer it to the owner, etc.

You can contact the person directly if you know their phone number. Try to identify yourself as a social worker and ask the other person for their place of work, for example, to collect statistics on the population. It all depends on your persuasion skills. But remember that cheating is not good. If possible, introduce yourself as who you really are and give a reliable reason why you want to know the person's place of work.

Additional ways to obtain information

The Internet can help you in obtaining information about a person's place of work. Try to find the citizen you need by name and surname on social networks. Users of these resources often indicate their current place of work in their profile. If you wish, you can ask about this directly from the person himself or from someone from his list of friends.

Try to find the information you need about a person through Internet search engines. Perhaps he is currently looking for a job or has recently tried to find a job. If so, then among the search results you will find his resume or responses to certain vacancies in the city. With this information, you can easily calculate his current place of work.
