What Is Waterproofing

What Is Waterproofing
What Is Waterproofing

The word "hydro" in translation from Greek means "water". Moisture is both good and bad. Without water, of course, life is impossible, but excessive humidity in the house is harmful to health and destroys building structures. Pipes laid in the ground are also exposed to moisture, and ultimately the case may end in a breakthrough and failure of the entire system. To prevent this from happening, waterproofing is required.

What is waterproofing
What is waterproofing

Waterproofing is called various methods of protecting building structures, ground and underground communications from moisture. In construction, there are two types of waterproofing; anti-filtration and anti-corrosion. The first is used in order to avoid the penetration of water into underground premises - first of all, these are basements, transport tunnels, caissons. The same type of waterproofing is performed when erecting underwater structures, dams, etc.

Anti-filtration protection is extremely important for environmental safety. It prevents various discharges and industrial waters from entering the natural environment. For example, in sewage treatment plants, such waterproofing is mandatory.

Anti-corrosion waterproofing prevents the deterioration of various materials. It is necessary where various surfaces (primarily metal) are exposed to aggressive liquid action. Anti-corrosion protection is mandatory for above-ground and underground pipelines, above-ground metal structures, structures on reservoirs, the water level of which often changes.

For waterproofing, various materials are used that are resistant to water or other liquids. Now, for the protection of, for example, underground communications, various types of plastic are often used. There are also asphalt, mineral and metal types of waterproofing.

There are a lot of methods for waterproofing. Paint protection is done using special varnishes, which are applied to the structure with a thin but continuous layer. Quite often, polymer varnishes are used for this purpose. The execution method can be hot or cold.

For gluing waterproofing, special roll materials are used. This method of execution is typical for roofing work. The layer turns out to be quite thick and durable.

One of the most popular types is cast waterproofing. It is durable and reliable. It is carried out with asphalt mastics. This type is also intended primarily for roofs, but it is also used to protect other elements of the building.

Waterproofing is also carried out using special impregnations. This method is convenient if the building structures are made of porous materials. They are simply impregnated with an astringent material. This is the most reliable method for supporting structures.

In order for the seams of the structure to not allow moisture to pass through, they are filled with binders. This method of waterproofing is called injection. It is very noticeable in old panel houses - it is the densest, rubber-like substance that sits between the slabs.

In the most difficult situations, mounted waterproofing is used. Mostly fiberglass is used for this purpose, but there may be other types of synthetic materials.

In hydraulic structures, special types of waterproofing are used. In some cases, they work for clamping, in others, on the contrary, for separation. For this, special types of cement, epoxy resin, etc. are prepared.
