A swamp is an area of land with strong and stagnant soil moisture. Various moisture-loving plants grow there. Moving through the swamp without observing special safety precautions can lead to a tragic outcome.

Step 1
Prepare for the transition, fasten your shoes tightly, tuck your trousers inside it so that they do not cling to objects and do not impede movement. Examine the contents of the backpack carefully. All items that can deteriorate due to moisture (food, clothing, and more), put in plastic bags. Loosen the straps of the backpack so that you can quickly remove it if necessary.
Step 2
Scout the area carefully. Use a long stick to test the hardness of the soil. The safest parts of the bog are covered with sedge and dense grass. Shrubs, moss, grass grow on difficult terrain, there is a lot of water between them. You need to walk through such a swamp very carefully, stepping on the middle of a strip of moss and mounds with bushes all over your feet, smoothly transferring your body.
Step 3
Try to avoid areas with reeds and floating grass. Avoid the swamp (pond overgrown with bright green vegetation), rafts and hollows (depressions filled with water). If you are walking in a group, the distance between people should be four to five meters.
Step 4
In winter, try to walk on hard ice, first checking its hardness with a pole. Snow-covered swamps can be unsafe. Walk slowly, but do not stay in the same place for a long time. To pass through an unsafe section of the swamp, throw poles in front of you and step on them.
Step 5
Do not jump from bump to bump, you may lose your balance and fall. Never step on areas of the marsh devoid of vegetation, they may seem solid on the outside, but they will not give your feet any support. If you unexpectedly fell deep into the water, do not panic, you are in an ordinary lake. Take off your backpack, the water will push you out.
Step 6
The most dangerous is a slow sinking into a bog. Throw in front of you criss-cross branches that you can reach, and carefully climb out along them. When diving deeper into the swamp, remove your backpack, smoothly take a horizontal position and slowly get out, trying to grab onto the branches. To help your fallen comrade, sketch branches and poles in front of him and help him out.