How Jasmine Blooms

How Jasmine Blooms
How Jasmine Blooms

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Revered by many oriental cultures, jasmine is still a kind of magical symbol of passionate love, thanks to its special enchanting aroma, it is called the "King of the Night". Jasmine leaves have a wide range of medicinal properties, they are used as an antipyretic agent, applied to ulcers, roots are an excellent weapon against insomnia and headaches. It is customary to add jasmine flowers to teas to enhance the taste and aroma.

How jasmine blooms
How jasmine blooms

Jasmine is a demanding plant that blooms from 4-5 years of age. In order for the shrub to please its owner with abundant flowering, it is required to follow a number of rules related to regular pruning of the plant, adherence to watering and lighting regimes, the owner must provide jasmine with lime-free soil and regular feeding.


The most popular in our country is the so-called garden jasmine, an ornamental shrub that begins to bloom in the summer. Due to the abundant covering of large white flowers, which sometimes hide the foliage, jasmine creates a full feeling of fresh snowfall that fell on the ground at the end of May, June or July, it is during this period, depending on the selected variety, that jasmine blooms. With the right selection of varieties, jasmine is able to decorate the garden with its magnificent flowering for many months.

It is known that garden jasmine is very shade-tolerant, however, in order to obtain abundant flowering, it is recommended to plant the plant in more illuminated areas. The flowers themselves are graceful and varied, they are both simple and double with wide or narrow petals, reaching a diameter of 3 to 5 centimeters.

Flowers can be single or collected in a brush. The color of garden jasmine also has a very diverse palette, there are both monochromatic and two-color varieties, some representatives of garden jasmine have a bright and rich aroma, but there are also species that do not have any stable smell.


In indoor floriculture, the most popular is sambac jasmine, or "Indian jasmine", some varieties of which, under particularly favorable conditions, can bloom all year round.

The most common varieties are the "Grand Duke of Tuscany", the largest of the species, with large, rose-like flowers. The Arabian Knight blooms from early March to October, and the Beauty of India delights with flowers all year round. The "Maid of Orleans" is also popular, a distinctive feature of which is the fragility of flowers that stay on the plant for exactly 24 hours, after which the old flowers fall off, and fresh growth comes to replace them.
