How To Moisturize Tobacco

How To Moisturize Tobacco
How To Moisturize Tobacco

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Someone smokes thin cigarettes, someone ordinary, some smoke cigars, there are also those who smoke pipes and hand-rolled cigarettes. If in principle everything is clear with the first, then the last smokers also have to purchase tobacco separately. You can buy it or grow it yourself. But very often you can face such a problem that the tobacco dries up and it becomes impossible to smoke it. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how to moisturize the tobacco?

How to moisturize tobacco
How to moisturize tobacco


Step 1

There are several ways to moisturize tobacco. Sprinkle the tobacco on a clean sheet of paper. A4 landscape sheets are best suited. Gently spray the tobacco with water from a spray bottle a couple of times. The water must be clean, and most importantly not from the tap. You cannot use tap water, as it leaves a sediment, as a result of which the tobacco grows moldy, and the pouch itself can rust. You can use boiled water, but distilled water works best. Mix the tobacco with your hands and put it in a pouch.

Step 2

The same tobacco can be moistened with an apple. Cut two or three thin slices from the apple no more than three millimeters thick. Place the apple slices in the tobacco pouch and close the lid. After a while, the tobacco will be moistened, and the apple must be removed. It is best to carry a small piece of apple in a pouch all the time, only replacing and pulling out from time to time. This will prevent the tobacco from drying out again. But the apple slice must be absolutely small, otherwise the tobacco will be constantly too wet.

Step 3

Alternatively, place cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber soaked in water in a tobacco pouch. The main thing here is not to overdo it when wetting, otherwise the tobacco can be waterlogged, as a result of which it will become extremely inconvenient to smoke.

Step 4

For permanent humidification, buy a pre-made tobacco humidifier from the store, place it in a container for storing tobacco, and replace it as it becomes unusable. Fragrance lovers can purchase scented moisturizers.
