The name of the mother grass in the Middle Ages was assigned to more than one plant. Both oregano and pharmaceutical chamomile wore this name, and both of these herbs have the right to bear this name.

Oregano - a medicinal plant and a spice
Oregano, mother, oregano, incense - this is how oregano is called in different parts of the earth. Most of all, this herb from the Clayaceae family is widespread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean.
Oregano herb contains tannins and ascorbic acid, these substances are found mainly in the stem and leaves. The content of vitamins in the herb is equal to such plants as currants, sea buckthorn and rose hips. Most often it is dried in order to further brew and use decoctions for medicinal purposes, or add it to dishes as a valuable culinary seasoning.
Oregano is especially useful for women, as it regulates many functions in the female body. Decoctions have a calming effect on the nervous system, it is used to treat headaches and epilepsy. But first of all, oregano is used with an irregular menstrual cycle, especially with delays, since it tones up the smooth muscles of the uterus.
In this regard, oregano is not recommended for pregnant women - its use can cause a miscarriage. Its decoction is used as a remedy for insomnia and cough, as a remedy for diathesis as a bath.
Pharmacy chamomile
The word "chamomile" comes from Ancient Rome, and it can be translated as "dear, like a mother." Therefore, chamomile was often called the mother herb, or queen mother.
In the middle lane, many types of chamomile have taken root, but only one has this name: odorous, tongueless chamomile, which differs from other species by a strong pleasant smell and the fact that its baskets do not have edge tongues.
Already in the 19th century, this chamomile came from its homeland to Russia, and scientists cannot come to a consensus about how such a rapid acclimatization of this plant occurred throughout Russia.
Its medicinal power lies in essential oil, most of which is found in flowers. They are harvested to obtain them, and they do it in the flowering phase, unlike other plants. Chamomile contains chamazulene, and it is used as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic agent.
Pharmacy chamomile is used very widely, and with increased excitability, and with internal inflammation, painful menstruation, migraines. The effect of its use is not instantaneous, it occurs only if it is used regularly and consistently for 2-4 months.
Indications for use in one form or another of chamomile can be hemorrhoids or diseases of the genital organs, cholelithiasis. In cosmetology, the hair is rinsed with chamomile infusion, which gives it a beautiful shade and healthy shine. Chamomile masks refresh the skin.