The word "choreography" has two parts of Greek origin. Its first half in translation means "dance", the second - "write down". Originally the term "choreography" meant directly recording the movements in the dance. Nowadays dance art in general is called choreography.

Step 1
The choreography itself appeared before it got its name. People have danced since ancient times, expressing emotions about victories and defeats, addressing the gods and each other. The system of movements was remembered and passed on from generation to generation, certain dances became traditional.
Step 2
The word "choreography" was first used around 1700. Then the concept of plans for the stage space was introduced, and then scenographic recordings of dance movements were called choreography. Gradually, the methods of recording the dance were systematized. In the 19th century, the choreographer A. M. Saint-Leon wrote a treatise on stenochoreography, his ideas were developed by F. A. Zorn. In this system, schematic figures were used to designate the various pas. In the 20th century, many new ways of recording dance movements have appeared. For example, R. Benesh (choreology) and R. Laban (labannotation) developed their own systems. In choreology, the five-line camp was filled with conventional symbols that showed how the parts of the dancer's body are located in the space of the stage. The advantages of the second system are its brevity, general availability, suitability for recording dances of different styles. In it, movements were recorded vertically, a separate column was provided for each part of the body.
Step 3
Nowadays, the original meaning of the term choreography is supplemented with new meanings. Choreography includes all aspects of dance art, including all stages of staging a dance number. Dance is an art form in which a single artistic image is created with the help of movements, gestures of the dancer, his position on the stage. At the same time, ballet is considered the highest form of choreographic art, which can be called not just a dance, but a musical and stage performance. It is based on classical European dance, around which the disciplines of stage dance are united: duet-classical and character dances, historical and modern, as well as acting.