Binoculars are a constant companion for hunters, military, travelers and tourists. Low-power devices are used in theaters and circuses, and especially strong ones are used in astronomical research. However, this device is quite fragile and can be easily broken. In this case, dirt, sand or water can get into the structure, and the position of the parts can be disturbed. In this case, you need to disassemble the binoculars and clean them.

Dust Off compressed air cans, soft, lint-free cloth, special cleaning fluid and small screwdrivers, including watches
Step 1
First, determine what type of binoculars your model belongs to. There are two types of these devices: classic Porro and compact Roof. Please note that they have different structures. Based on these data, read the relevant literature or consult a specialist. The easiest way to learn about the sequence for disassembling binoculars is to read the instructions.
Step 2
Many modern binoculars are filled with nitrogen inside. This is done to avoid fogging of prisms and lenses due to temperature changes. That is, when you open the case, you can release the nitrogen. Therefore, once again weigh the pros and cons - is disassembly really necessary?
Step 3
Prepare your workspace. It will be better if the table surface is covered with a soft cloth. Start disassembling the binoculars. Unscrew the tiny screws on the case, they can be smeared and therefore completely invisible.
Step 4
Disconnect the lens tubes and remove the cover caps. Carefully release the clamps from the prisms. In the process of disassembly, remember in detail the structure of the binoculars. If possible, keep before your eyes the instruction with the diagram. When removing parts, wipe them gently with a cloth dampened with cleaning liquid. However, the lenses and prisms should be air-sprayed with Dust Off cans before dusting off the dust. If you use a cloth from the beginning, dust particles will leave microscopic scratches.
Step 5
Put the binoculars back in the same sequence. Of course, these are all general advice. There are a lot of binoculars, and each model requires an individual approach to disassembly. And if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to take the device to an optical workshop.