Are There Real Sources Of Free Energy

Are There Real Sources Of Free Energy
Are There Real Sources Of Free Energy

For centuries, mankind has been using alternative energy sources. For example, wind and water mills have been known for a long time and are still used in the national economy of a number of countries. But science does not stand still. In recent decades, a new segment of the market for energy sources has begun to form, which in the future can meet the growing energy needs of civilization.

Are there real sources of free energy
Are there real sources of free energy

Energy is practically for nothing

Sources of free energy, used over the past centuries, are mainly used to obtain significant power. The efforts of modern scientists are currently focused on the search for alternative methods of obtaining "microenergy" from the elements of the environment.

The most famous energy converter today is a silicon solar battery. The current generated by it is proportional to the intensity of the light incident on the element. It is possible to increase the operating current if the solar panels are connected in parallel. Solar cells are being developed that will be made of organic materials and optical fiber. Their advantage is their low cost and ability to work in low light conditions. Advanced silicon batteries can have a lifespan of up to two decades.

The number of sources of free energy in nature is practically infinite. Recently, more and more data have appeared on the creation of complex systems that generate energy from practically nothing. The most promising methods are based on the conversion of light energy, kinetic energy, and that which arises from temperature differences.

Extraction of energy from high-frequency radiation is also considered a promising direction in research devoted to free power sources.

Benefits of alternative energy sources

The advantage of such systems is their small size and compactness. The long lifespan of these types of energy sources and their high efficiency make their cost extremely low.

Developed means of generating energy can open access to almost inexhaustible sources of power without the use of batteries. New technologies are based on converting environmental energy into electrical energy. Such power supply systems can be in demand in those devices where the use of batteries is impractical, difficult or completely impossible.

It is tempting to be able to use your devices for decades without worrying about replacing batteries.

What devices can become consumers of free energy sources? These are wireless sensors, various gadgets, switches, electronic printed circuits. Many technical systems designed for autonomous operation and located in hard-to-reach places require uninterrupted power supply.