Who Can Be Called A User

Who Can Be Called A User
Who Can Be Called A User

If you are reading this article, then you are already a user, but you are an experienced user or you are just starting your journey, it's up to you, since there is no clear border that defines this. The first users appeared in 1969, but then the network was not yet so perfect.

Who can be called a user
Who can be called a user

The invention of the Internet brought about the introduction of many previously unknown and unused expressions. New strata have also appeared among those who have access to Internet resources.

If the middle class acts as the main driving force of the economy, despite the fact that there are rich and poor, then the IT sphere also has its own foundation, based on users. In the virtual space, as well as in the economic world, there are also many layers, such as: professional admins, impenetrable lamers, etc., but they are a minority. The expression user comes from the English word user, which in translation sounds like a user.

Are you a user

The user category assumes a fairly wide range of participants. If you have a personal stationary computer, netbook, laptop, tablet or other smartphone, and also use it periodically, then you can be confidently called a user. There is a category of more experienced users, they have the skills to work with office programs and multimedia.

Modern society divides users into several categories, one of them is the so-called advanced users, however, it is impossible to draw a visible border that determines whether a person is an advanced user or is just a beginner user.

Employers today especially value advanced users in the state, they are also called confident users. Such a high value of confident users is due to the fact that a modern office cannot be imagined without a computer. That is why it is worth indicating your user status when writing a resume, this can determine the choice of who is in the search for employees.

There is one more category of users, whose abilities border on a par with hackers. This employee is especially appreciated in the company, since he can perform not only basic duties, being an accountant or manager, but also troubleshoot a computer without the help of a system administrator.

When did the first users appear?

The first official users can be called scientists, who in 1969 began to use a computer network under the name ARPANET. Men of science worked in 4 scientific institutions, who became the first users.

However, the first communication sessions were not so successful, but not for the reason that the users of that time were not so experienced. The network simply stopped functioning after the first three characters transmitted.
