Trempel is a word that may seem to a person unfamiliar with it to mean some complex phenomenon. At the same time, in fact, this word means the simplest household item that is available in every household.

The term "trempel" refers to a household item used to hang clothes. Another, more popular analogue of this word is also widespread in Russian - "shoulders".
The word "trempel" is used as a complete synonym for the word "shoulders", having an identical meaning with it. At the same time, the spread of this word is characterized by a pronounced regional coloration. So, it is widely known and used in the Belgorod region and other territories located in the southern part of the Russian Federation, as well as in some regions of Ukraine. At the same time, since this term has a meaning that completely replaces the meaning of the word "shoulders", the latter is practically not used there. In other parts of the country, by contrast, the word "trempel" is practically unknown.
Origin of the word
There are several versions of the origin of this term. One of the most popular is associated with the surname of a German manufacturer who was engaged in the manufacture of ready-made dresses at his factory in the Kharkov region. Its position in the market was not particularly strong, as several other strong industrialists were engaged in the same activities in the region. Therefore, Trempel decided to draw attention to his products.
He did it in a fairly simple way: for some time now, the hangers on which ready-made clothes were delivered to the customer began to be supplied with the brand name of the factory, which is the name of the manufacturer. As a result, this word became so strongly associated with this object among residents of nearby regions that it soon completely supplanted all other designations for shoulders.
However, this is just one of the versions put forward by specialists in the field of linguistics to explain the origin of this term, and most importantly, its specific geographical distribution. There is another, less popular version among the people, which connects its origin with the German term in the field of construction. This concept was used to denote a specific structure, created from wooden sticks, on which various objects were hung, necessary for workers to carry out their activities.
At the same time, it is necessary to recognize the fact that supporters of both of these most popular versions of the origin of the term "trempel" demonstrate solidarity with respect to the German roots of the word in question. At the same time, in the Russian language it is used today, changing according to all the rules characteristic of masculine nouns.