What Does The "cross" Tattoo On The Ring Finger Mean?

What Does The "cross" Tattoo On The Ring Finger Mean?
What Does The "cross" Tattoo On The Ring Finger Mean?

Tattoos in the form of a cross on the ring finger do not always convey information about the owner, being a means of self-expression. But more often than not, they have a certain meaning. Therefore, those who like to decorate their bodies should pay attention to the meaning of a certain pattern. A tattoo in the form of a cross on a finger can carry both a religious meaning and a social meaning or criminal affiliation.

religious cross miley cyrus
religious cross miley cyrus

A striking example of the owner of the cross on the ring finger, as a religious manifestation, is Miley Cyrus. To date, there are 18 tattoos on her body. Among them, you can see a small cross on the inside of the ring finger. Miley often mentions that she is a Christian and sincerely believes in God. The cross on her ring finger carries only religious significance.

In a social sense, the cross can mean that the owner of this tattoo grew up without a father or his loss, if depicted on the ring finger with the long end towards the hand. If the cross on the finger is located with its long end to the fingers, it means that its owner pays great attention to friends, being in life "in the circle of friends."

In the criminal world, images of small crosses on the fingers, on the chest and at the temple are considered mainly symbols of women - thieves. Such crosses could also mean that the owner was convicted of a minor.

But even among men, there are tattoos depicting a cross, which can also mean the condemnation of minors, as well as convicts of the St. Petersburg prison or, as it is also called, Krestov. Many prisoners use these crosses to express dissatisfaction with their sentence. Rings with a cross are also often depicted on the ring fingers, which have various meanings.

An important aspect for the interpretation of tattoos in the form of crosses is the type to which it belongs. It can be a Celtic cross, which has an extraordinary beauty and carries a deep meaning. Its beauty lies in the complex execution of an intricate pattern, and the meaning is hidden in the Celtic tribes and symbolizes spiritual growth and masculinity.

The pagan cross, as a rule, symbolizes the masculine and feminine principles or the four cardinal points (North, South, West, East).

Another type of cross is the iron cross, which in the 14th century was the Teutonic symbol of the knights, later symbolized the German military (1870), and today it is generally accepted that the iron cross carries the meaning of strength and honor.

The Gothic cross, although not fraught with religious significance, is basically a Christian cross.

The Christian cross, in turn, can be depicted in two main ways: a Latin simple wooden cross or the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The Latin cross is a symbol of the Orthodox religion and the Christian faith. As a rule, it stands out for its minimalism in the image - an ordinary wooden cross with right angles. The shape of the Latin cross symbolized divine manifestations even before the advent of Christianity. For example, in Egypt, the cross symbolized kindness.

Symbolism, appearing with a person, accompanies him throughout his life. For some, practicing symbolism becomes an exciting hobby, while for others it becomes the true meaning of life. The symbolism of tattoos can be quite interesting and sometimes frighteningly unpleasant.

Tattoos in the form of crosses, in general, do not have particularly negative meanings, but it can be quite difficult to guess the true meaning and the only one who knows it for sure is the owner of the cross itself.
