What Does The Thumb Ring Mean?

What Does The Thumb Ring Mean?
What Does The Thumb Ring Mean?

Rings are at all times one of the most popular accessories that adorn the appearance of both women and men. Basically, they are worn for the sake of beauty and do not even pay attention to which finger is wearing this or that ring. And in vain! Psychologists, astrologers and palmists can tell a lot about the meaning of the ring on a particular finger, for example, on the thumb.

The ring is a symbol of infinity, wealth and power
The ring is a symbol of infinity, wealth and power

The meaning of the ring on the finger

The ring is considered a symbol of infinity and means the eternity of being, the eternity of the universe, the eternity of nature and life. In ancient times, rings were associated with power, so wearing them was the prerogative of people endowed with great powers. Later, the rings became a symbol of the inviolability of the marriage union. It is worth noting that these decorations served as identification marks of certain societies, families, clans: the Order of the Knights Templar, Freemasons, the Order of the Jesuits, etc.

There is an opinion that the rings on the fingers do not mean anything at all, so they can and should be worn as it is convenient, first of all, for the person himself. Often they are put on the fingers according to the principle of compatibility with each other on the wrist of one or another hand. However, some Eastern peoples, palmists, psychologists, representatives of sexual minorities and other communities attach great importance to the location of the ring on the hand. In particular, this applies to the rings on the thumbs.

Thumb ring. Value

In China, it is considered beneficial to wear a ring on the thumb. The Chinese claim that it is in this place that the rings are able to stimulate nerve endings. It is curious that both palmists and representatives of other teachings share their point of view. Psychologists, on the other hand, have their own opinion, which differs from the opinion of the Chinese and palmists. They believe that the ring worn on the thumb speaks of the extraordinary behavior of its owner.

According to psychologists, women or men who wear rings on their thumbs do their best to draw the attention of the people around them to their person. Psychologists believe that these people are trying to assert themselves in all sorts of ways. Moreover, men who wear rings on the thumbs of both hands are trying to assert themselves sexually. Only it is not clear why they thus “tell” the society about their intimate problems.

Another meaning of the ring on the thumb is a sign of non-traditional sexual orientation. Curiously, this only applies to women. At the same time, the ring worn on the thumb of the left hand indicates that its owner is currently alone, and the ring worn on the thumb of the right hand says that her heart is already occupied by some lady. By the way, the vast majority of women wearing rings on these fingers do not even know about their dubious meaning.
