Who Owns Power In A Parliamentary Republic?

Who Owns Power In A Parliamentary Republic?
Who Owns Power In A Parliamentary Republic?

The parliamentary republic is one of the varieties of the republican structure of the state, in which most of the power belongs to the parliament, and not to the president. The current government is accountable precisely to the elected parliament, in contrast to the presidential republic.

Who owns power in a parliamentary republic?
Who owns power in a parliamentary republic?

Who controls the powers of forming the government?

Under this form of government, the executive branch is formed from individual deputies of parties who received most of the votes in parliamentary elections.

Such a government can remain in power as long as it is supported by representatives of parliament, or rather, by its majority. And in case of loss of trust by the government, there are two ways of solving - either the government's resignation, or the possible dissolution of parliament, initiated by the head of state at the request of the government. In this case, new parliamentary elections are called.

Such a management system is considered typical for developed countries with self-regulating economies. For example, for Italy, Turkey, for Germany and Israel, as well as for other states.

Residents of these countries usually vote not for individual candidates, but for lists of electors from certain parties.

Powers of the main power body in a parliamentary republic

In addition to the current legislation, with a similar system of state governance, the parliament also controls the entire government of the country. He also has almost complete financial power, since it is the members of parliament who develop and approve the state budget.

It is the parliament that also determines the possible ways of the country's socio-economic development and the courses of domestic and foreign policy. That is, it holds in its "hands" the most important state powers.

The head of state in a parliamentary republic - who is he and what powers does he have?

The current president is elected only by members of parliament or by a working group (collegium) formed by them.

This principle is the main system of parliamentary control over the executive branch of the state.

That is, formally, the president is the head of state, but not the head of government. He can appoint the current prime minister, but only from among the heads of factions represented in parliament or having a parliamentary majority.

The President cannot promulgate laws, issue decrees, award executive power representatives, amnesty convicts, have representative functions, approve the composition of the cabinet of ministers, and also does not have the right to open the first session of parliament after its convocation.

For example, in Italy, three elected representatives from each region of the country participate in the presidential elections. And in the Federal Republic of Germany, the current president is elected by the Federal Assembly, which consists of members of the Bundestag, elected by representatives of the German states.
