How The Plane Lands

How The Plane Lands
How The Plane Lands

Those who often fly on airplanes, however, like many other ordinary people, are interested in how to land a plane. This seemingly simple process turns out to be incredibly complex in practice. Pilots practice landing on simulators more than once before trying it on a real plane.

How the plane lands
How the plane lands

Planting process

Once the landing of the aircraft is learned in the simulator, the pilot proceeds to the training in the real machine. The landing of the aircraft begins at the moment when the aircraft is at the point where the descent starts. In this case, a certain distance, speed and height must be maintained from the plane to the strip. The landing process requires maximum concentration from the pilot. The pilot directs the car to the point of the beginning of the lane, the nose of the aircraft is kept slightly lowered during the movement. Landing movement is strictly along the strip.

The first thing that the pilot does at the very beginning of the movement into the lane is to extend the landing gear and flaps. All this is necessary, including in order to significantly reduce the speed of the aircraft. The multi-ton car begins to move along the glide path - this is the name of the trajectory along which the descent occurs. The pilot constantly monitors the altitude, speed and rate of descent by numerous instruments.

The speed and rate of its decline are especially important. As you get closer to the ground, it should decrease. You should not allow too sharp a decrease in speed, as well as exceeding its level. At an altitude of three hundred meters, the speed is approximately 300-340 km per hour, at an altitude of 200-240 meters. The pilot can adjust the speed of the aircraft by supplying gas, by changing the angle of the flaps.

Bad weather when landing

How does a plane land in a strong wind? All basic pilot actions remain the same. However, it is very difficult to land an aircraft in a crosswind or gusty wind.

Directly at the very ground, the position of the aircraft should become horizontal. For a soft touch, the plane must descend slowly, without a sudden drop in speed. Otherwise, it can hit the strip abruptly. It is at this moment that bad weather in the form of wind, heavy snow can cause maximum problems for the pilot.

After touching the surface of the earth, the gas must be released. The flaps are retracted, with the help of the pedals the plane is taxiing into the parking lot.

Thus, the seemingly simple landing process actually requires a lot of piloting skill.
