Telling jokes so that those present were fun, so that they would represent the whole situation in reality and in colors, is not given to everyone. But you can always learn to present jokes in such a way as to be branded as a witty interlocutor, merry fellow and the soul of the company.

Step 1
Practice in front of the mirror, practicing facial expressions, used words and gestures. Rehearsals like these will allow you to correct your demeanor while telling an anecdote and to look at yourself as if from the outside. It is clear that your short story should not be pronounced monotonously, muffled and with a gloomy expression on your face.
Step 2
Choose short and funny anecdotes - long stories always tire the listener. Some of the anecdotes may be slightly longer, but you need to be sure that you can engage your audience by fueling their curiosity and curbing their impatience.
Step 3
Try your skills on family and friends - they will always point out flaws to you in a gentle manner, advise you on what else you need to work on, and evaluate you objectively. Check new anecdotes on proven people so as not to embarrass yourself in front of other people by telling an old anecdote or presenting it with a completely different meaning.
Step 4
Learn to filter your hilarious stories based on your audience composition. In the presence of children, young girls and pensioners, one should not tell vulgar, obscene anecdotes or those that are not able to understand this circle of listeners for various reasons. In the company of friends, you can indulge in less chaste jokes.
Step 5
Do not drag out the anecdote, while making a mysterious expression on your face - you should pause for no more than a couple of seconds. Learn to make this most meaningful pause, the meaning of which is to prepare the listeners for the denouement, that is, the funniest part of the anecdote.
Step 6
Try to tell jokes lightly, without hesitation and painful attempts to remember details. Stick to a natural manner of storytelling, only then your anecdote will be properly perceived. Never interrupt your story with laughter, which means that you remembered the essence of the anecdote and it made you incredibly laugh. This way of telling jokes is very annoying.
Step 7
While voicing a joke, actively help yourself with your hands, gestures and facial expressions - any story looks more interesting in faces.
Step 8
If you did not wait for the desired reaction from the audience, that is, laughter, then do not focus on this and do not begin to explain the essence of the anecdote, just switch to another topic or continue to tell your stories.