How Much Is The Most Expensive Bottle Of Beer In The World?

How Much Is The Most Expensive Bottle Of Beer In The World?
How Much Is The Most Expensive Bottle Of Beer In The World?

Cold frothy beer is a favorite of many people. There are many beer brands in the world that produce a variety of varieties of this drink, selling it at different prices. However, how much does the most expensive beer cost and what is the reason for its enormous cost?

How much is the most expensive bottle of beer in the world?
How much is the most expensive bottle of beer in the world?

"Golden" bottle

The most expensive bottle of beer in the world is called the Vieille Bon Secours and costs $ 1,167 (£ 700) for the 12 liters of hoppy drink that fits into the bottle. This beer is especially popular in London restaurants - however, it is sold exclusively by select establishments. Vieille Bon Secours can also be purchased online.

It takes two people to pour beer from a 12-liter bottle into a glass or mug.

The strength of the most expensive beer in the world is 8%. Its taste and aroma are distinguished by complex notes of lemon, toffee and caramel, which favorably emphasize the faint notes of anise. Vieille Bon Secours has been produced since 1995 by Belgian brewers who release it in three flavors - light, dark and amber. Sophisticated beer connoisseurs claim that the aromas of each of these beers are so skillfully balanced that the strong presence of alcohol is completely overlooked.

Characteristics of the most expensive beer bottle

Tasters of hop drinks have repeatedly given the elite Vieille Bon Secours beer, produced by the Belgian brewery Brasserie Caulier, the most positive ratings. It contains water, hops, malt and yeast, and the calorie content does not exceed 58 kcal. As for the external characteristics of Vieille Bon Secours, the head of this beer is quite abundant, dense and thick, due to which it has excellent stability.

In addition to the twelve-liter glass bottle, which is considered the most expensive in the world, beer is also bottled in three-liter containers.

The aromatic qualities of Belgian beer are a confident sourish, traditionally Belgian aroma, which has an aftertaste of live yeast and strong coffee. The taste properties of Vieille Bon Secours are characterized by corresponding notes - the presence of alcohol is absolutely not felt in the beer, and the strength of the drink is expressed exclusively in the warming effect. The highlight of the beer is the presence of natural coffee tones, accented by light acidity, and skillfully veiled by the skill of Belgian brewers.

For all its merits, Vieille Bon Secours is considered an extremely difficult beer for the stomach - experts say that it is almost impossible to drink more than two glasses of it. However, this drink is special, so you need to use it only in exceptional cases, without trying to get intoxicated with it.
