Why Do You Want To Sleep After Dinner

Why Do You Want To Sleep After Dinner
Why Do You Want To Sleep After Dinner

It would seem that the sleepy morning is long over, in half the day you could well move away from even a very sleepless night and join the work rhythm. But after lunch, you want to sleep so badly that you can only go to scientists for an explanation of this phenomenon.

Why do you want to sleep after dinner
Why do you want to sleep after dinner

And scientists are always happy to give an answer. Especially, as you know, the British. It was they who established why you want to sleep after dinner. It's about the level of glucose in the blood. When it rises, some of the brain cells stop signaling that they are awake. Orexin-synthesizing cells are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. This hormone is responsible for the stages of sleep and wakefulness. Another reason is carbohydrate. If it is especially abundant in dishes eaten for lunch, then this also leads to drowsiness. After all, the carbohydrate forces the brain to actively produce serotonin. This hormone induces calmness. And therefore, having received too many carbohydrates, I want to fall asleep. Another version of this problem is the imperfection of our body. After eating, blood rushes to the digestive system, depriving the brain of proper attention. Therefore, this thinking organ does not receive the amount of oxygen necessary for normal operation. This makes the person feel tired and wants to sleep. In addition, the brain also takes some part in the processing of food. And, being engaged in this process, he cannot engage in any other activity. Therefore, it is easier for the brain to "turn off" the body by sending it to sleep. What to do if there is no way to sleep, but you want to eat? It's easier to eat. Reduce the amount of glucose, carbohydrates. Substitute fatty meats, buttered potatoes for rice with salad and light soup. Of course, not forever. Special tablets, for example, "Mezim Forte", will help to process food faster. After lunch, it's better to give your body some rest. If you do not sleep, then at least lie down. In addition, knowing this feature of your body (after all, some have this property more, some have less), do not make important appointments right after lunch. You will not be able to grasp all the information and respond to it in the right way.
