Why Does Broken Glass Dream

Why Does Broken Glass Dream
Why Does Broken Glass Dream

Since ancient times, there is a belief that breaking glass (or mirrors) is unfortunately in the house. But omens are omens. Another question is when you break glass in your own dream. What this promises and how it can turn out - dream books will tell.

Broken glass symbolizes both good and danger
Broken glass symbolizes both good and danger

Why break glass in a dream? Miller's dream book

Psychologist and the most famous interpreter of dreams, Gustav Hindman Miller, interprets this dream in this way. To look through the glass, and then break it in a dream - to waking failures, to unsuccessful completion of affairs, to wasted forces. If you cut yourself with broken glass in a dream, then in real life you can quickly gain admiration from others.

An auspicious dream is one in which the dreamer breaks the glass while cleaning it. In reality, this promises to obtain a prestigious official position. Just don't rejoice ahead of time! The fact is that this place can be associated with constant conflicts and nervous shocks of the dreamer. If the broken glass turned out to be cloudy, then in reality continuous failures are coming.

Broken glass according to the oriental dream book

The interpreters of this dream book focused on walking on broken glass. According to them, walking on broken glass in a dream is an unpleasant development of events. The dreamer needs to perform any of his actions with extreme caution. If you dreamed of walking barefoot on broken glass, in reality you need to refuse any deals and lucrative offers, since all this is nothing more than an ordinary adventure. Getting hurt while walking on glass is a material loss.

Broken glass in a Slavic dream book

This dream book considers broken glass as an alarming sign. If the dreamer sees a house with broken glass, then in reality he will have to correct someone's mistakes. This is not an easy task! Broken glass fragments in a dream can mean the collapse of the family. Perhaps the husband and wife have not been able to find a common language for a long time. Sadly, the case is close to divorce.

If the glass breaks in a dream, scattering into small pieces, then this indicates some kind of imaginary illusion, about lost harmony, about an impending feeling of insecurity and lack of confidence in one's abilities. In addition, dreams in which glass literally shatter can advise a person to be more careful and prudent in their actions and deeds in reality.

Broken glass. Dream interpretation of Juno

The compilers of this dream book claim that broken vases, glass figurines and other things symbolize dangerous situations on the roads. Here you have to be very careful. After such dreams, motorists are advised to be more careful while driving. It is better not to drive without need. Looking in a dream through a cloudy shard of broken glass - to a long journey, fraught with risk.
