Why Do Traffic Jams Form On The Roads?

Why Do Traffic Jams Form On The Roads?
Why Do Traffic Jams Form On The Roads?

Traffic jams have long become commonplace in almost all major cities. Oddly enough, not every driver knows about the reasons for their formation and what he personally can do to quickly eliminate the congestion on the road.

Why do traffic jams form on the roads?
Why do traffic jams form on the roads?

Traffic congestion can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common are the following:

1. The presence of a large number of vehicles per capita in a certain city, while in this locality, relatively narrow roads with low traffic capacity prevail.

2. Occurrence of narrowings on the roads due to repair work, heavy snowfalls, road accidents, etc.

3. Incorrect traffic arrangement. For example, in the case of circular motorways.

4. Violation of traffic rules by drivers.

5. Behavior of road users, aggravating traffic congestion due to a lack of understanding of the source of the congestion.

Of course, the driver cannot personally influence the first 3 reasons. However, officials have such an opportunity. Therefore, it should also be remembered that any citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to contact the administration of the settlement and share suggestions for improving road traffic in a problem area. And this right must be exercised.

The driver can personally influence only the causes of congestion specified in paragraphs 4 and 5, moreover, being right in a traffic jam. Thus, he will improve both his position and the problem situation for others. Specific examples will be discussed below.

Traffic jam at a regular intersection

At an ordinary intersection, a situation sometimes arises when, due to the movement of an oncoming or cross-flow of traffic, it is impossible to comply with some traffic rule (for example, a ban on entering an intersection or a ban on crossing the carriageway). This state of affairs forces the motorist to stop, as a result, his car becomes an obstacle to the movement of other cars in the opposite direction.

This can happen for several reasons. In addition, it is not always possible to immediately understand that it is your car that will stop at an intersection in the other direction.

To solve this situation, you should skip the traffic flow turning from the opposite direction to the left. In this case, you will run into the tail of the column that turns to the left and will be able to drive further.

Traffic jam at a roundabout

The driver at the roundabout must let the cars that need to leave the roundabout at the nearest exit. If the driver cannot go in the direction he needs because of the cars, he must look around and assess the situation.

Moreover, perhaps the only correct decision will be to go exactly in the direction that is free, because the situation at the roundabout has reached the point that a traffic jam on the road is formed precisely because of the driver's car.

And having moved in a free direction, he will be able to get to the place he needs along other paths.

Traffic jams on the roads adjacent to your highway

Among motorists, there is an unwritten rule, the observance of which allows you to eliminate the resulting traffic jams. It says that regardless of the situation, you should skip the car with which your vehicle intersects. For example, this can be a car exit from the territory adjacent to your highway, a parking space, a road, or simply rebuilding a car from another lane. Try this and you will see that you can make a difference on the road adjacent to you, or even relieve the congestion that forms there.
