Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some And Not Others?

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some And Not Others?
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some And Not Others?

Many people associate a warm summer night with mosquitoes, or rather, with mosquito bites. Some suffer from them, while others seem to be immune from them. Therefore, it is interesting to understand why some mosquitoes bite, while others do not.

Why do mosquitoes bite some and not others?
Why do mosquitoes bite some and not others?

Human body heat

Mosquitoes see the world differently from people. They are able to distinguish the body temperature of mammals with their gaze. The warmer the body, the more attractive it is to the mosquito. Therefore, in people with frequent heartbeats, the body temperature is much higher, which makes the mosquito regard it as a source of food. After playing sports or taking a long walk, some people cannot fight off mosquito attacks.

Smells pleasant

Mosquitoes have an amazing sense of smell. According to previous research, mosquitoes are very fond of the smell of sweat. Therefore, perspiring and tired people will be much more tasty morsel for a mosquito than a cheerful and not perspiring person. For a mosquito, the smell of an unwashed human body is very pleasant, therefore, a short-term protection from these insects is given by a shower, since for some time a person does not exude any odors. Also, human skin has the smell of lactic acid, which is extremely pleasant to these insects. Don't forget about the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans. It is the main one for the mosquito's choice of the location of its victim.

At one time, it was believed that vitamin B intake scares away mosquitoes from humans, but this was refuted by Kal Jensen of Aarus University.

Smells unpleasant

On the other hand, some unnatural body odors deter mosquitoes. Mosquitoes will not bite a person who uses abundant deodorants and perfumes, since for him this smell is not associated with the source of food. Also, some plant odors scare off these insects, for example, the smell of juniper or pine needles. Most mosquito repellents are based on the principle of odor control.

An interesting fact was noted: mosquitoes often bite people in dark clothes during the day, and in light ones at night.

Alcoholic drinks

It has been repeatedly noted that people who drink are more likely to be attacked by mosquitoes. This is due to the fact that alcohol in the bloodstream causes the heart to intensify and body odor to change. This smell does not leave mosquitoes indifferent. Therefore, it is not surprising if a drunk person falls asleep in nature, and wakes up in the morning with many mosquito bites on his body.


The person taking the medication smells differently to the mosquito. There is a saying that the mosquito loves bad blood. The greater the bouquet of odors human blood exudes, the more pleasant it is for a mosquito. The blood of a person taking heart medications will be especially pleasing to the mosquito.

Sources of light

Almost all insects, obeying their instincts, fly into the light. Mosquitoes are no exception. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that these blood-sucking insects fly so actively to a lighted fire or a switched on lantern in the forest.
