When people sleep, we always dream, even if it seems that they are not. It's just that people often don't remember their dreams. There can be many reasons for this, from poor sleep conditions to insufficient sleep duration.

After conducting a number of studies, scientists have found that people see an average of 4-5 dreams per night. This is due to cycle changes, each of which includes slow and fast sleep phases. The second phase is accompanied by muscle contractions, eye movements, and sometimes even sounds and slurred speech. With the help of an electroencephalograph, you can also see changes in brain activity at these moments. If a person is gently awakened while they are in REM sleep, they are more likely to remember having a dream.
If it seems to a person that he did not see dreams, it probably means that he simply did not remember them. This can happen due to poor sleeping conditions: extraneous sounds, too high or too low room temperature, unfamiliar or unpleasant environment, etc. When a person constantly wakes up due to external stimuli, it is likely that he will not remember any dreams.
Another, much more common reason today is insufficient sleep duration and inappropriate conditions for waking up. When people get too tired at work or school, go to bed after midnight, wake up at six in the morning and immediately run to wash and get dressed, they sometimes feel as if they are falling asleep, as if drowning in black water. The brain is too exhausted by constant exertion, the body is tired of lack of sleep, and dreams are forgotten instantly. Moreover, even if you had a vivid dream, and you remember it immediately after waking up, thoughts about the day ahead can crowd out all memories, and after a few minutes it will seem to you that you did not have any dreams that night.
Learn to wake up properly. Change the wake-up time so that after the alarm rings, you still have 10-15 minutes to lie back in bed. Change the alarm melody so that it does not wake you out of sleep, but helps you wake up slowly. Immediately after waking up, block all thoughts about the day ahead and what you need to do right now. Try to remember your dream. If it doesn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged. Over time, such training will bear fruit, and you will more easily remember dreams.