How The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Stands For

How The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Stands For
How The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Stands For

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is an abbreviation, that is, an abbreviation for the phrase used in its basis. Despite the fact that this abbreviation is very common, not everyone knows exactly how it stands.

How the Ministry of Internal Affairs stands for
How the Ministry of Internal Affairs stands for

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is an abbreviation for a special authority: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, as its name implies, is focused on solving state issues and tasks of an internal nature, that is, those that do not relate to the country's foreign policy and its international relations with other states. At the same time, the range of issues within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is extremely wide.

His main area of activity is ensuring the rule of law in the country. This means that this ministry is in charge of fighting crime, ensuring public safety, law enforcement and similar areas of public life. In addition, his powers also include ensuring the state security of the country by controlling the circulation of weapons and other areas that can potentially harm the well-being of citizens. The main body for the implementation of this function is the police.

By its very nature, the Ministry of the Interior belongs to the executive bodies of power at the federal level. Thus, its main task is the practical implementation of the legislative policy, formed at the level of the legislative power of the state.

Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia

In Russia, issues of internal order in the country and ensuring public safety are one of the priorities of state policy, therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a fairly large structure capable of ensuring the solution of all the necessary tasks. Thus, the total number of employees of the ministry, taking into account all divisions, is more than 800 thousand people.

At the same time, the activities of the ministry cover the entire territory of the country, and for more effective coordination of its activities, the structure of the department is divided into separate territorial departments with a certain amount of autonomy in relation to their powers. So, today in Russia there are North-West, Central, South, North-Caucasian, Volga, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern territorial administrations. They, in turn, are subordinate to the top leadership of the ministry, headed by the minister.

Also in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are specialized departments for transport, and each region has its own Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the internal troops of Russia, including aviation and naval units, are also part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
