What Is The Internal Environment Of The Organization

What Is The Internal Environment Of The Organization
What Is The Internal Environment Of The Organization

An organization means a community of people united by a common idea and purpose. Moreover, the interaction between the members of the group is subordinated to the principles of management and is deliberately coordinated by the top leadership.

What is the internal environment of the organization
What is the internal environment of the organization

The activities of any organization are influenced by a number of factors. They can all be divided into two large groups: internal and external. And if events, processes, etc. that are not related to the organization itself are equated to the first category, the factors that are inside (personnel, means, processes, organizational model, etc.) fall into the second group. The internal environment can be characterized on the basis of several variables: structure, goals and objectives, technologies, division of labor, resources.

Structure - the principle of interconnection between various departments, grouped according to a specific criterion: social, technical, managerial, production, informational, regulatory, etc.

The goal, in fact, indicates the existence of the organization itself. Philosophy forms the basis of the mission, indicates the importance of the company, its strengths and dissimilarity from competitors. If the goals are large, for ease of achievement, they are broken down into several smaller tasks.

Technologies - techniques and methods used in the activities of the company. These include not only equipment, but also the methods that are used to achieve the result. For example, the technology of personnel search, developing a strategy for entering a new market, creating a product, attracting consumers, etc.

The division of labor is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of an organization. It is characterized in the distribution of work among staff, it can be horizontal (performing different stages of the same process) and vertical (interaction between management and subordinates).

Resources - means of production necessary for organizing the labor process. They can be of a different nature: industrial, intellectual, natural.
