The Institute of Mother and Child, which is located in Moscow, is a medical institution well known among families planning or already having a child. The specialists of this institution have helped many families in very difficult cases.

The Institute of Mother and Child is the common name for a serious medical institution. Officially, this organization is called the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V. I. Kulakov.
Institute of Mother and Child
Today this organization is the largest Russian medical institution dealing with the problems of obstetrics and gynecology. The center has 53 divisions and 7 laboratories, employing more than 1.5 thousand qualified employees. Every year, over 100 thousand people turn to the center to solve problems related to childbirth, among whom are not only residents of Moscow, but also visitors from various parts of Russia.
Location of the Institute
Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V. I. Kulakova is located in Moscow at st. Academician Oparin, 4. The building in which the organization is located today was erected specifically for this purpose in 1979: the famous Soviet architects L. B. Karlik and A. P. Dmitrieva. Previously, the organization operated here under the name of the All-Union Research Center for Maternal and Child Health.
To get here by public transport, you will have to change trains, since there is no metro station in the immediate vicinity of the Center. One of the most convenient ways to get to the Institute is from the Konkovo metro station. Having reached it, you need to get to the surface from the last car of the train coming from the center, and when choosing the direction of the exit, you must turn left. After that, you will need to make a short trip by bus # 295 or minibus # 36 to the stop “Center for Maternal and Child Health”. The time it takes to get from the metro to the destination by transport will be about 5 minutes.
The second option to get to the Institute by public transport is to get to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Here you will also need to change to ground transport: to get to the desired stop, get off the first car of the train following from the center and turn left. Here you should take bus # 718 or a minibus with the same number, which will take you to the stop "Center for Maternal and Child Health". It takes about 15 minutes to get there from the metro station.