How To Find Out About A Separate Subdivision

How To Find Out About A Separate Subdivision
How To Find Out About A Separate Subdivision

Table of contents:


A separate subdivision is a separately operating branch, representative office or structural unit that is part of a constituent association, enterprise or department. Information about the presence or absence of an operating organization is available in all official sources confirming the activities of the main organization.

How to find out about a separate subdivision
How to find out about a separate subdivision


  • - application to the administration;
  • - application to the tax office;
  • - the passport.


Step 1

You can find out if the association has a separate structural unit directly at the head office of the association, enterprise or department itself. Contact the main organization, show your passport, and ask the Authorized Customer Representative a question. You will be given the exact address, telephone number for communication, the name of the operating division, opening hours and, if necessary, will be given other information of interest to you.

Step 2

Any legal entity to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation obtains a license from the local executive authorities. The opening of new branches, divisions, departments or departments is coordinated with representatives of the administration. The district municipality has accurate information about all operating enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that have received permission and license to conduct their activities.

Step 3

For information about a separate subdivision, you can contact the administration with an application and a passport. You will be given detailed information about the object you are interested in.

Step 4

The territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service registers citizens as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, information is entered into the unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. All open enterprises, branches, structural separate subdivisions are registered in the register. Taxes and financial reports are sent to the budget from any separate subdivision. Therefore, you can find out about a separate subdivision not only in the indicated structures, but also in the territorial or regional tax inspectorate.

Step 5

Extract from ERIP and USRLE is not classified information. Business is always conducted openly, and anyone can find out absolutely everything about the object of interest. Contact the tax authorities with your passport and application. You will be shown the exact location of the separate division and the full name of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
