The Child Has A Cough Without Fever

The Child Has A Cough Without Fever
The Child Has A Cough Without Fever

Cough is not only a manifestation of colds, it is a kind of protective reaction of the body to an external stimulus. Small children can cough up to 10-15 times a day. This behavior is considered completely normal if it is not accompanied by symptoms that indicate the presence of a medical condition.

A cough without fever in a child is a characteristic symptom of many diseases
A cough without fever in a child is a characteristic symptom of many diseases

Causes of a cough without fever in a child

The causes of cough without fever in children are quite varied. The cough can be dry or moist.

In children, infectious diseases are acute, with pronounced symptoms. An infection that is not completely cured, be it tonsillitis, laryngitis or tracheitis, becomes almost asymptomatic and chronic. This form of disease is accompanied by a sluggish current inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, the presence of infection is indicated by a dry cough without fever, runny nose and other attributes of acute sore throat.

The most serious cause of a cough without fever in a child is bronchial asthma, a disease accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, attacks of suffocation and coughing. Congenital asthma appears in children in the first years of life. The acquired form of the disease is usually autoimmune in nature.

Adenoids are a common pathology among children 3-10 years old, accompanied by the proliferation of tissues of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Adenoid cough has some features:

- not accompanied by an increase in body temperature;

- occurs most often at night;

- is paroxysmal in nature;

- does not cause complications from the respiratory system of the body.

A dry, suffocating cough in a young child can be caused by a foreign body entering his respiratory tract.

A cough in combination with a runny nose, increased lacrimation, sneezing, or not accompanied by any additional symptoms is a manifestation of an allergy. The child's body reacts especially actively to irritants such as dust, pollen, animal hair. The symptoms of the disease go away on their own within a few hours after the elimination of the main allergen.

Oddly enough, but a disease such as helminthiasis can provoke a dry cough without a rise in temperature. Helminths penetrate into various systems of the child's body with the blood flow, in the course of their life they release toxins into the environment. These toxins are powerful allergens and trigger symptoms such as dry barking coughs, weight loss, skin rashes, and loss of appetite.

What to do if a child has a cough without fever

The primary task of parents in the event of a cough without fever in a child is to find out what caused this symptom. If it is an allergy, it is necessary to exclude the baby's contact with the allergen as soon as possible. With severe manifestations of allergies, an antihistamine will help.

In the absence of third-party symptoms when coughing, it is worth carefully examining the child's oral cavity to make sure that there is no foreign object in it.

The exact cause of a cough without fever can only be determined by a specialist, therefore, when this symptom appears in a child, it is recommended to visit a pediatrician as soon as possible.

Regular coughing of a child is a clear sign of a parasitic infection. Treatment of helminthic invasion is called deworming, it involves the use of toxic drugs, but they do not have time to have a significant negative effect on the child's body due to a short therapeutic course.

Strengthening the child's immunity helps to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract: taking vitamins, immunostimulating drugs, good rest, proper nutrition.
