How To Measure Your Forearm

How To Measure Your Forearm
How To Measure Your Forearm

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Strictly speaking, in anatomy, the forearm is a part of the arm from the wrist to the elbow, however, in ordinary life, we call the forearm what is below the shoulder - that is, the part of the arm from shoulder to elbow. How to correctly measure this part of the body?

How to measure your forearm
How to measure your forearm


Measuring tape (meter or tape measure), assistant


Step 1

To begin with, be sure to find an assistant in the important matter of measurements, since doing everything yourself will be very problematic.

Step 2

To correctly measure the volume of the forearm in the generally accepted sense (above the elbow), it is necessary that the assistant grasp the arm with a measuring tape about 10 cm below the armpit. The arm should hang loosely along the body. This place is the widest part of the forearm, and it is its girth that will be correct. Holding the measuring tape parallel to the floor, the assistant should circle it around the arm and write down the number seen. The tape should be free to "walk" around the arm, without squeezing or causing inconvenience. It is this figure that will come in handy in the future when drawing up patterns for ladies, and men will be able to find out from it their volume of biceps.

Step 3

To measure the length of your forearm, bend your arm at the elbow. The helper should place the measuring tape on the arm, extending it from the bone at the crease of the shoulder to the tip of the elbow. The resulting value is the length of the forearm.

Step 4

In order to measure the length of the anatomical forearm (below the elbow), you need to bend the arm at the elbow. The assistant should stretch the measuring tape from the tip of the elbow of the hand to the bone on the wrist, the one above which the palm begins. The resulting number will be the length of the anatomical forearm. They say that in proportional people, this value should coincide with the length of the foot. the length of the forearm is helpful for sewing, especially for outerwear with short sleeves, elbow sleeves and three-quarters sleeves.

Step 5

The volume of the anatomical forearm is a narrow place near the wrist, it is its girth that is needed for the correct cutting of the mouth of the sleeve of the garment. Your assistant will obtain this value by tightly wrapping a measuring tape around the narrow area of the hand above the wrist bone.
