How To Write Off A Library Fund

How To Write Off A Library Fund
How To Write Off A Library Fund

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Writing off documents is the last stage in the formation of the library fund. When canceled, subscriptions and reading rooms free their storage from publications that take up space, but are completely unclaimed by readers. The main document governing the procedure for withdrawing books from the collection is the "Instruction on accounting for the library fund", approved in 1998. On its basis, you can develop your own algorithm of actions of the library staff in the process of writing off literature.

How to write off a library fund
How to write off a library fund


Step 1

Form a commission to write off documents from the library fund. It should include the director of the library (he will also be the chairman of the commission), his deputy, heads of the acquisition, book storage, lending, reading room and chief librarians of these departments. If the library is specialized (university, school, enterprise, etc.), be sure to involve leading experts in the field of the organization's activities in the work of the commission. For example, the commission for writing off literature from the university library should include vice-rectors for academic and scientific work, as well as heads of major departments.

Step 2

Prepare literature to be discarded. In most libraries, the selection of books to be withdrawn from the collection is carried out on a continuous basis. Throughout the year, employees put old publications that cannot be restored and repaired, duplicate copies, books that have significant defects, etc. on a separate rack. In the course of regular checks of parts of the library fund, lost publications, non-core literature, as well as books and other documents that are not in demand by readers and are outdated in content, are revealed.

Step 3

Familiarize the members of the commission with the publications prepared for the cancellation. The final decision will be made by experts after a comprehensive analysis of each item and item. Particular attention should be paid to the exclusion of non-core and outdated literature. It can represent, for example, historical interest or an extraordinary view of a scientific problem.

Step 4

Divide literature into groups according to the reason for the write-off. For each group, draw up a write-off statement in two copies (for accounting and the library). In it, indicate the composition of the commission, the number of books written off, their total cost and the reason for excluding literature from the fund. All members of the commission must sign the act. Be sure to attach to it a complete list of publications, drawn up in the form of a table with the following columns: - number in order; - inventory number of the publication; - author, title, year of publication; - price of one copy; - number of copies; - total cost.

Step 5

Make notes about writing off literature in all accounting forms: inventory book, summary book, registration cards. From traditional and electronic catalogs, remove the cards and descriptions of the publications withdrawn from the fund.

Step 6

Decide where to send the decommissioned publications. There are several options: sale to readers (if such a possibility is fixed in the Regulations on paid library services), gratuitous transfer to other libraries and information centers, recycling (waste paper), disposal. If you are planning to sell literature, obtain prior consent from the management and notify the accounting department of the organization.

Step 7

Free the library premises from decommissioned publications in accordance with the decision made. Submit the documents to the accounting department and receive confirmation that this literature has been removed from the library's balance.
