All About Parsnip As A Plant

All About Parsnip As A Plant
All About Parsnip As A Plant

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Parsnips, like other vegetables, are widely used in cooking to add flavor to pickles, canned foods and dishes. The root of this plant is rich in useful and biologically active substances that have a pronounced effect on various organ systems, allowing the use of parsnips for the treatment and prevention of certain types of diseases.

All about parsnip as a plant
All about parsnip as a plant


Step 1

The botanical name of this plant is sowing parsnip. This biennial vegetable plant is successfully cultivated all over the world. The birthplace of its growth is the Altai Territory and the south of the Ural Mountains. Parsnips have been known since the end of the twelfth century. A root crop develops, like carrots, and they are often grown together (the main difference is that the root crops of parsnips are larger than that of carrots). In the first year, a root crop is formed, and in the second year, the parsnip blooms, gives seeds.

Step 2

When planting parsnips, the distance between the placement of seeds should be greater than between the seeds of carrots. This crop is planted in the spring. Two days before the expected planting date, it is necessary to soak the seeds in water for better germination. When the first true leaves appear, the crops should be thinned. The plant is moisture-loving and cold-resistant. Water the parsnips regularly and abundantly to avoid root cracking. In the fall, before the onset of severe cold weather, the harvest is harvested. The plant should be protected from caraway moth, septoria, gray and white rot, wet bacterial rot and black spot.

Step 3

Parsnip flowers are bisexual, small, five-membered and regular in shape. They are collected in complex umbrellas of five to fifteen beams. The wrappers are usually absent, the calyx is inconspicuous, and the corolla is yellow. Flowers usually appear in the second half of summer, and fruits are formed in September. Bees collect high quality honey from parsnip flowers. The root of the plant has a white color, a pleasant smell and a sweet taste. The shape can be like that of carrots or turnips (round or conical). On the cut, the color of the parsnip is yellow-brown or yellow-gray.

Step 4

The stalk of a parsnip can reach a height of one meter. It is erect, rough, sharp-ribbed, branched, pubescent and grooved-faceted. The leaves of this culture are large, pinnate with blunt edges. The leaves are smooth above, rough below. In hot weather, they release essential oils and can burn the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to tend the plant early in the morning or late in the evening.

Step 5

The beneficial properties of the plant have been known since antiquity. Doctors used parsnips as a diuretic and pain reliever. The plant stimulates appetite, helps with colic, improves sexual activity. The healing properties of culture are also recognized by modern doctors. The vegetable is widely used in folk medicine. A decoction of parsnip root helps to treat coughs, the water extract of the plant is used as a tonic for the rehabilitation of severely ill patients. Parsnip improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The decoction helps to treat hair loss. In medicine, parsnips are used to treat and prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Step 6

The vegetable is used in dietary nutrition, for cholelithiasis and kidney stones, for bronchitis, pneumonia, nervous diseases and gout. Parsnip juice is rich in silicon, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and chlorine. Eating it helps to strengthen hair and nails. Phosphorus and chlorine have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, it is recommended to drink juice for people with tuberculosis, emphysema and pneumonia. Parsnip fruits are used to create medicines that successfully cope with various skin diseases, the leaves are used in dermatology.