How To Plant An Apricot

How To Plant An Apricot
How To Plant An Apricot

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It is often difficult for an amateur gardener to grow thermophilic fruit trees and shrubs in the temperate climate of the middle zone. For example, apricot is one of the most whimsical stone fruit crops. Nevertheless, it is possible to grow an apricot and even make it bear fruit well. The importance of the planting process cannot be overstated.

How to plant an apricot
How to plant an apricot

It is necessary

apricot seedling, soil, manure, sawdust, shovel, crushed stone, copper sulfate,


Step 1

Choose an elevated location to allow cold air to drain to lower locations. In addition, the apricot should be planted on the lightest and most drafty piece of land. At the start of growing, construct a protective shield with wood planks or polyethylene.

Step 2

Prepare the soil. To make it soft and loose, add rotted manure, leaf litter, fresh sawdust. Since apricot roots are the most sensitive to lack of oxygen, a kind of trench planting method should be used to enrich the soil with air. Moreover, the closer the clay is to the surface, the greater the depth and width of the trenches should be. Do not forget to put large crushed stone or rubble stone at the bottom of the trench at a height of approximately 30% of the soil volume. And in the upper layer of the earth, if possible, add copper sulfate (based on one running meter of the trench, 100 g of copper sulfate). In the case of a high groundwater level, it is worth raising the soil by 0.6 m and overlaying the resulting mound with boards. This will improve the water-temperature regime by increasing the root layer of the earth.

Step 3

In the fall, prepare the planting pits measuring 70 by 70 cm, putting a kind of drainage in the form of gravel, twigs and branches on the bottom of the pits. Directly plant apricot seedlings at the end of April. Observe the distance between plantings, it should be at least 5 meters. Spread the root system of the seedling evenly over the surface of the ground, without deepening the root collar. Take an assistant and have him hold the stem by the stem, keeping it upright. After you have covered the roots with earth, do not forget to water the seedling abundantly from a bucket with warm water, while trying not to erode the root system. Water and feed your baby with micronutrient fertilizers every ten days.
