What Color Can Cyclamens Be

What Color Can Cyclamens Be
What Color Can Cyclamens Be

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Cyclamen, alpine violet and dryak - this is the name of the same flower from the primrose family. But the cyclamen itself is divided into several types.

Multicolored cyclamen
Multicolored cyclamen


Step 1

Doubts about the color of the cyclamen growing in pots on the windowsill are justified. This plant has a lot of colors, in all its species. Certainly, only blue and black varieties are not found in nature, but it is possible that breeders will soon delight lovers of such shades as well. Cyclamen shows the beauty of its varied flowers at different times of the year, depending on the variety.

Step 2

The most common variety of cyclamen is Persian. It is he who is sold in all flower shops, out of inexperience sometimes assigning the names of other species to him. The flowers of the Persian cyclamen are pink, red, purple or white. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green with a white pattern on the obverse. This variety blooms all autumn, winter and spring, going to rest in the warm season. During the dormant period, the cyclamen not only stops blooming, but also sheds the leaves. As a rule, Persian cyclamen in height is from 20 to 30 cm, there are miniature varieties that do not exceed 15 cm in size.

Step 3

The European cyclamen is a collector's prized species that you can't find in stores, although the price tags sometimes say the opposite. It differs from the Persian mainly in very fragrant flowers, and also in the flowering time: the European cyclamen blooms in summer, and leaves at rest in winter. Its flowers are pink or red in color, and are slightly smaller than those of the Persian cyclamen.

Step 4

Cyclamen ivy, or Neapolitan, has most often white, less often pink or red color of flowers. It is he who is most often sold in garden centers under the guise of European, but the difference is immediately visible - his flowers are larger and non-aromatic, and he blooms for a shorter period of time - from September to November. This species is distinguished by the marbled color of the leaf and more angular shapes.

Step 5

In Kos, or dwarf cyclamen, the leaves are completely green, without a pattern on their surface. This type of cyclamen, in addition to the common white, pink, red and peach colors of the petals, has a variety whose flowers are pink with red specks. It blooms in December or new year, and blooms until the end of March. The bushes of this cyclamen do not grow higher than 15 cm in height. This type of cyclamen is very variable, but it is distinguished by the limb of the petal, which is sharply expanded from the base, and the tuber, on which the roots grow only from below.

Step 6

The Greek cyclamen, according to its name, is common in Greece. The flowers of this type of cyclamen range from pale pink to deep purple with an obligatory bright pink spot at the base, the leaves are dark green with a bright white or silver pattern. It is rare, only among collectors who brought it from their habitats on their own.
